Every place has its own rules, and according to the details of this place, he doesn't think it's all their strength. Those old guys can't have none. If he doesn't fight, he's afraid of this as well as being unable to fight.

As far as he knew, most of the old people of the Xiao family on the West Coast lived to be more than 100 years old, while the tribes guarding the ancestors of the Xiao family didn't think they were short-lived.

"That's enough. Let me do everything. What else do you want?" Feng Xiao looked at the trembling people coldly. Suddenly, he thought of WeiLuo. Suddenly, he was angry for no reason.

The person below, seeing him like this, is afraid that he will not change his mood by accident.

With the arrival of fengxiao, Ning Mengyao soon knew that the assassination was also hindered. The power of that man was too strong for them to act rashly.

"It seems that our movement is known by that man. He is here now and doesn't need to do anything. It's just a fire shield. He's curious. He's so powerful. Why don't he do it himself?" Ning Mengyao frowned and said thoughtfully.

Qiao Tianchang also nodded: "you are right, according to the strength of that person, this obstacle should not be anything in his eyes, but why?"

Xiao Ren listened to their words and said in a deep voice, "that's because of the elders of the tribe."


"Yes, there are five elders in the tribe, two of whom are 100 years old. Their strength is immeasurable, but they have been practising martial arts in the forbidden area of the tribe. They rarely appear in front of people. Unless there is a crisis of extermination in the tribe, they will not appear." They have a lot of cards here, and the elders probably want them to exercise themselves, so they haven't shown up until now.

Ning Mengyao's eyes widened in surprise: "a hundred years old? Can they still move? " Asked Ning Mengyao subconsciously.

Do you know that in modern times, those centenarians have basically exhausted their physical functions, and it's not bad to be able to take care of their own food and clothing. Do you want to protect the whole family? It's impossible, isn't it?

"Ha ha, the two centenarians in the young lady's tribe look like they are in their seventies, and they are very strong, just like middle-aged people." Xiao Ren is amused by ningmengyao's words. He doesn't think that there is anything wrong with ningmengyao. After all, no matter who hears such things, he will react so subconsciously.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Ren stupidly, and sees that his expression is serious. He doesn't mean to joke at all. That's why he believes what he said is true. But there is another idea in his heart, that is, the two old monsters.

"But why does he know?"

"Probably because of the Shaw family on the west coast." Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he opened them thoughtfully.


"Some of the old ancestors of the Xiao family are older than those two elders. And when I was there, I heard from Maureen that some of the Xiao family's people have a long life span. Those who are hundreds of years old have lived to about 150 years old." Qiao Tianchang thought that when he heard this kind of words at the beginning, he thought it was a mirage. How could a person live to be more than 150 years old? He thought it was incredible.

Ningmengyao blinks, and then blinks. Well, the people of the Xiao family really have a long life.

But when you think about it, you seem to be from the Xiao family.

Is she going to live until then? At the thought of this possibility, Ning Mengyao shrinks her neck. She feels cold in her heart. Forget it. She is not the kind of old monster.

Qiao Tianchang reaches out his hand and knocks on Ning Mengyao's head to show her not to think nonsense.

Ningmengyao felt his nose awkwardly, and he laughed. Tianchang knew him best.

Now that the man has been restrained, she is relieved: "in this case, as long as he does not push people to the limit, he will not start with us, so I am relieved."

Qiao Tianchang helplessly looks at Ning Mengyao and thinks that this girl still thinks too simply: "Yaoyao, you should remember a sentence, dogs will jump the wall in a hurry, let alone people."