Ning Mengyao smiled at Qiao Tianchang and said, "I'm just talking about it. You don't have to worry about it."

Qiao Tianchang sighed and put Ning Mengyao in her arms, chin on her shoulder: "in fact, I understand what you said. After this time, there will be some conflicts between tongbaozhai and imperial power. I understand what you mean. Can we deal with this matter well and then depend on the situation?" Really want to leave from this place, to be honest, he is also very reluctant to give up, but regardless of giving up, have to do.

Even if they don't leave at that time, their lives will basically be semi reclusive.

It's better to leave here and start again.

"Well, I'm just saying that." There are so many memories in this place that she is reluctant to leave. So if she can, she still hopes to stay.

The conversation between the two is almost over here. Ning Mengyao rests quietly in Qiao Tianchang's arms, and the two snuggle up close together. The green frost beside them just laughs and leaves without disturbing the brief intimacy and warmth between the two.

The plan to resist the wind was successful again. He even sent people to burn the food they ate. Not to mention that, he also put a lot of medicine in the place of drinking water.

Those drugs are not very effective, but they are embarrassing.

Apart from the man, two-thirds of the other side's people have basically been recruited, while the remaining one-third is hiding because they are guarding or doing something else.

Feng Xiao looks at the people around him who are all weak and weak. The expression on his face is not so wonderful.

He had never met such a situation before. When he was on the west coast, although the people there said they were cunning, they were fair and aboveboard, and rarely used this kind of abusive means. But now they are facing such a situation.

It's a bad enough method.

Muchen's eyelids jumped wildly at Yufeng: "this is your good idea?"

"Well, if you want them to have no way to move, if you kill them, you can only make them lose their ability to move and kill most of them. It's unrealistic." Yufeng doesn't think what's wrong with his means. As long as he can get the effect he wants, it's a good means.

Muchen takes a deep breath and tries to suppress the impulse to roll his eyes.

In such a reasonable and vigorous tone, say such words, this Really good?

"I think that man has killed you now." Mu Chen looks at Yu Feng without words and says.

"It's my pleasure." Yu Feng said with disapproval.

Muchen reached out and rubbed his brow and heart. He felt that he was talking to this man. He just couldn't understand the situation.

"Forget it. When he's after you, I'll make it up."

"I don't mind." Yu Feng picked up the eyebrows and said that he didn't care at all.

Seeing the quarrel between them, situ Xuan couldn't help laughing. It was like this as soon as they saw each other. It's been many years and it's not boring.

"Brother Yufeng, what are you going to do next?" The poison has also been poisoned and people have been killed. We can't tie people back?

Yufeng points his forehead, looks sad, and looks at him unexpectedly: "what else do you worry about?"

"Where did you see me worried?" Yu Feng raises eyebrows. Is that worrying? He was thinking about whether things were OK or not.

Muchen looked up and down at Yufeng for a while, then said, "I saw everything."

Yu Feng shrugged, leaned back on the chair, looked at the distance and said, "I am thinking about what to do if the other party gets angry."

Muchen looked at him silently. After a long time, she said, "you will worry about this, too."

Yu Feng took a look at Mu Chen: "how can I not worry?"

The strength of the man made him feel threatened. When the man didn't show up, he had full assurance to keep all these people, but now he also felt a little suspended.