Hands on the table gently tap, made an aggressive voice, this voice let Muchen have no reason for some fidgety.

"I don't know what it is until now." It's a good thing that there is only one powerful person like that. They can use cars to fight in turns, or fight in groups. If there are more, there will be no way back.

Mu Chen nodded in silence. Yes, before that, they always felt that their strength was strong enough. After seeing that person, they found how small they were.

"You are right. It seems that our own strength should be improved in the future." Said Muchen in a deep voice.


In their conversation, situ Xuan was silent, looked around and touched her nose: "are you two wrong

Now it's not the time to say that, is it? Now they should think about how to deal with these troubles?

The two men looked at each other and couldn't help laughing: "Xuanxuan is right. We should consider all these things later."

Did not fall in the palace to look at the distance, eyes flashed thick bitter, gently sighed, did not speak, but turned back to his room.

At the time when things were tangled in the Miao area, the state of Xiao was in a state of tension.

The reason is because of muxue. After Xiao Qifeng came to Qiwang's mansion that time, he didn't know what it was because of. He came again and saw muxue once. After that, muxue was in a trance. It was like evil.

Under Xiao Qitian's various comforts and persuasions, Mu Xue tells Xiao Qitian about it.

It turned out that Xiao Qifeng didn't believe that Mu Xue really forgot about tongbaozhai, so he saw Mu Xue secretly and even threatened her with the baby in Mu Xue's belly.

The final result is, of course, that Mu Xue is over frightened and gives birth to Qi.

If it wasn't Xiao Qi Tian who found it early and robbed people from Xiao Qifeng, I'm afraid that when he saw people, the children would have disappeared.

Because of this, the relationship between Xiao Qitian and Xiao Qifeng can't be maintained even on the surface.

Xiao Qifeng banned Xiao Qitian's family, while Xiao Qitian took Mu Xue's husband and wife to the palace and never left.

In fact, Qiaofeng didn't really mean to give people. It was just an accident. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. He just didn't expect that xiaoqitian's reaction was so great. He not only shot at him, but also said something about breaking off the relationship with him.

It's a shame for Xiao Qifeng. His brother actually wants to break off the relationship with him, so Xiao Qifeng, in a rage, forbids Xiao Qitian from going out for a step. In fact, the purpose is to let Xiao Qitian admit his mistake.

It's just that he waited for several days. Xiao Qitian also means to be soft. On the contrary, he and Mu Xue had a leisurely life in the prince Qi's mansion.

"You're so laid back." Xiao Qifeng looked at the cold voice of Xiao Qi and said.

Xiao Qitian took a look at Xiao Qifeng and said lightly: "it's not as leisurely as the emperor. Now there are so many things in Xiao country, the emperor has time to hang out here."

Not salty and not light back, Xiao Qitian will hand the soup to the side of Mu Xue, told her to drink more.

Xiao Qitian's appearance made Xiao Qifeng very uncomfortable.

Before, Xiao Qitian always called his brother, but only in formal occasions. After Qiao Tianchang's event, he never called his brother. He always called the alienated brother.

In spite of this, Xiao Qifeng still has some thoughts in his mind. But now, he doesn't even want to call his brother, but he calls the emperor directly.

At this moment, the address that can be heard every day is really disgusting.

"Qi Tian, our brothers, really want to go to this point?"

"Well, don't you think it's too late now?" When Xiao Qifeng has forced Mu Xue to give birth and almost has a small fortune, he should know that they just can't go back.