Thinking of the way Xiao Chengya scolded them, Qiao Tianchang couldn't help but watch Ning Mengyao say a bad idea.

Instead, ningmengyao's eyes brightened: "you are right, let your mother go to harm Baimo."

In fact, Qiao Tianchang just said that now he was so busy with the consent of ningmengyao, he himself was a little sad.

Does this girl hate her mother-in-law so much? Be careful your mother-in-law knows she's being reprimanded again.

In Qiao Tianchang's arms, Ning Mengyao rubbed his tired brow and said helplessly, "I don't dislike my mother, or she talks about people. It's too much. If she goes on like this, she must be crazy.

Qiao Tianchang nodded approvingly: "you are right."

Feng Xiao went back to the palace and fainted. His face was red. He looked like a roasted shrimp.

I was going to have a look. I just thought about it, but I still have no past.

At this time, several people around fengxiao are also busy, with obvious worries in their eyes.

Is the master really going to be ok?

They now understand why the master is going to leave all of a sudden. It turns out that it's not that he's hurt too much, but that the poison on his body has gone off again.

How many times has this been? Since he came to this place, the number of poisons on the master has increased. If it wasn't for this poison, the master wouldn't have to be controlled like this.

They all felt that when the master spoke to the two people, the voice was joyful, obviously very happy.

They have never seen such a master, just Thinking of the present situation of the master, several people are worried.

According to the usual way to help fengxiao suppress the toxin, but this time I don't know whether it's because of fengxiao's serious injury or something. The toxin can't be suppressed.

These people are flustered. For a while, they don't know what to do.

It was already noon the next day before the news.

Standing at the edge of the bed, he did not fall to look at the bed, biting his lips painfully, his eyes were scarlet in the Phoenix Sky, and his heart was sad for no reason.

Sitting at the bedside, WeiLuo reaches for his hand and touches his cold, but hot cheek: "you Are you ok? "

Feng Xiao opens his eyes with strong support. He sees that it's still there. He wants to satirize, but he cares about the temperature on his face.

"Don't talk. How can I help you?" Not falling dark complex looking at the Phoenix Sky at the moment.

Knowing him for so long, she had never seen Feng Xiao so embarrassed.

Feng Xiao's eyes flashed a flash of sarcasm and said, "you You are Poor... Me? "

Because of the sharp pain, Feng Xiao can't speak clearly. He has no choice but to see him like this.

"Now, what are you trying to do?"

Feng Xiao closes her eyes and tries to suppress the toxins in her body.

He is not willing to be controlled by this toxin. Compared with the beginning, it is much better now.

He frowned and looked at fengxiao, took a piece of cloth, moistened it with water, wiped his face, then took off his shoes and went to bed, sat beside fengxiao, reached out and held people into his arms.

Fengxiao wants to push it away. He doesn't need such alms, but now he feels it's difficult to move even once.

"I'm with you," he said, looking down at fengxiao

Fengxiao wants to refute, wants to let this woman roll, but the temperature around him, but lets him damn greedy.

Isn't that what he always wanted? Why now that she has come, he wants to push people away.

I don't know if it's because of the company that hasn't left. The time seems to be not so hard. The next afternoon, Feng Xiao's face finally looks better, but it's still pale, but the appearance of suffering is gone.

Seeing such a Phoenix Sky, he didn't fall down with a little smile on his face. It's good to see that. At least he has made it through.

Carefully put the sleeping Feng Xiao on the bed, get out of the bed and carefully open his hand, look at the bloody palm, and sigh helplessly.

Find a good healing medicine and bandage it for him. I just left. Before I left, I whispered, "stupid.".