Feng Xiao opened his eyes just before he left. They were so clear that they seemed to just wake up.

Raising his hand to look at his wound, Feng Xiao's eyes flickered slightly. He didn't know what he was thinking. Finally, he sighed and closed his eyes.

Fengxiao's body recovered very quickly, but after a day's rest, it was completely recovered, and it could not be seen at all. He was the same as the man who was suffering from everything before.

When he was well, he stopped him: "what's the matter with you?"

Looking at the woman with thin anger on her face, fengxiao frowned frivolously, "are you worried about me?"

"That's what you think." Not fall casually said.

Feng Xiao sneered, "nothing but poisoning."

Poisoning? Did not fall frown to look at Feng Xiao: "this poison cannot be solved?"

"What does this have to do with you?" Feng Xiao looks at the woman in front of her with her hands around her chest.

Before, she wanted to be hundreds of meters away from herself. She could not get rid of it as if she were some kind of pathogen.

But now it's better to take the initiative to care about him. If he didn't know that she had no purpose, he would suspect that this man was not in a simple mind.

"Fengxiao, do you want to rob those things because of your poisoning?" He said suddenly.

Feng Xiao was stunned, and then he laughed: "should I say it's undeserved? I even guessed that. "

Not fall by his tone to stimulate the heart some uncomfortable: "why don't you say?"

"Say? Ha ha, why should I say that? " It's his own business. He doesn't need other people's charity, let alone other people's sympathy.

Did not fall tight to close lips to look at Feng Xiao's present appearance, the heart understands, his attitude of the previous days, let Feng Xiao disappointed.

She knows fengxiao well. She knows that he is not a very important person in terms of fame and wealth, but she has doubts about him.

Now, Feng Xiao's attitude is natural.

Did not fall silent to see Feng Xiao for a while, this just opens: "who is that person?"

Feng Xiao looked at it as if he was looking at something strange: "it's really amazing. People who used to hate me now care about me. "


"It has nothing to do with you. Do whatever you need to do. Don't meddle in my affairs. Remember that we have nothing to do with each other." Feng Xiao suddenly reached his ears and said word by word.

Finish saying not to look at the expression that has not fallen, leave from her side.

Turn around to look at the Phoenix Sky leaving, not falling eyes with a kind of people can not see clearly emotion.

Fengxiao's present appearance is really like two people, as if she is not alone at all.

Feng Xiao looked at his subordinates and said, "how is the investigation going? Did you find it? "

"Not yet."

Feng Xiao frowned, "keep looking."


He wants to get the palace. In addition to the rights here, he also wants to find the legendary holy thing Linghu in this place. It's said that the blood of Linghu can detoxify hundreds of poisons, even insects.

Whether it's true or not, since they can spread such rumors, it's certainly not wrong. He can't give up this opportunity.

Although he was not a man who cherished his life, he didn't want to die like this.

And with his character, how can he be controlled.

Although he is also interested in those things, he will not resort to any means to this extent. If he finds Linghu and solves the poison on his body, he will surely let that person taste this taste.

Fengxiao's injury was very good, but after that, he didn't go there again to rob those things.

After all, their loss is a little big this time, which has caused the dissatisfaction of those aristocratic families.

Sitting on the chair, Feng Xiao's face was full of mockery, and the west coast was too calm for a long time. It was time to find something for them to do.