No matter what Feng Xiao is calculating here, it has nothing to do with Qiao Tianchang.

Because fengxiao didn't want to come here, and those outside didn't do it easily, which gave Qiao Tianchang and all the people in the family a chance to breathe.

However, these days, while Ning Mengyao was breathing, he felt extremely painful.

Why? The reason also starts with her viviparity.

Since that day when Qingshuang came back, she said that she had moved her vital energy, she ate three meals a day. In addition to the normal meal, Xiao Chengya would cook various soups for her. Although they taste good, they can't stand eating every day.

As long as she has a little meaning of not wanting to eat, Xiao will look at her with disapproval, as if she had done something heinous.

In addition to the pain of Ning Mengyao, Qiao Tianchang is also very painful. Because Ning Mengyao can't finish drinking, he has to drink, and he can't do without it.

It's best to find an excuse to go out whenever he comes to ningmengyao and is about to drink soup.

This makes ningmengyao more angry with the ugly face.

This day, after Ning Mengyao finished drinking the soup, Qiao Tianchang was hit by a concealed weapon as soon as he entered the room.

"Yao Yao......"

"Well, you go. I won't go with you." How dare you find an excuse to avoid? It's too much. How can I have such a cruel husband?

Qiao Tianchang picked up the pillow hanging on the ground and went to hug the man in his arms: "my mother-in-law warned me that if I help you to drink soup again, I will double the boiling for you to drink."

Ning Mengyao fiercely turns to look at Qiao Tianchang: "Niang knows?"

Qiao Tianchang nods with a wry smile, how can he not know? Recently, he has grown meat, and his muscles have become fat.

Ning Mengyao smashed into Qiao Tianchang's arms with a look of lovelessness.

"It's over." No wonder no matter how she hides these days, Xiao Chengya will stare at him to finish his soup, and will not leave until he finishes.

Qiao Tianchang looks at ningmengyao like this, and feels sad. When she was pregnant with Shanger, she didn't make up like this. She pays great attention to her daily diet. Although the child is not very big, she is very healthy, white, tender and tender.

Ning Mengyao frowned and looked at her stomach: "Tianchang can't let her do it again." She was really worried that if she went on like this, the child would grow too big. If she had a hard time giving birth, she would have no place to cry.

"Then what do you say?" Now Xiao Chengya just can't listen to anything, just want to make Ning Mengyao eat well.

"Let me see." She doesn't like the soups that Xiao Chengya cooks, but she doesn't like the soups that she drinks, does she? There is no caesarean section here.

The next day, when Xiao Chengya came in with soup, Ning Mengyao said nothing.

Xiao Chengya frowned discontentedly: "Yao'er, don't make a fool of yourself."

Ningmengyao is annoyed by her reproachful expression: "who is Niang? How much did I drink? I don't have a thing now. If I drink it in your way, do you want me to have a hard time giving birth? "

It's no wonder that she said so badly. In less than half a month, she has grown a circle of meat, and now the child has only four months. If the remaining five or six months are like this, she can't think how old the child will grow.

Xiao Chengya's face turned white and shook her head: "I don't mean that."

"Niang, you let me mend my body, I can understand, but can we stop there? It's enough to drink it once a day. You can't eat it as a meal, can you? " Ningmengyao is also upset by xiaochengya, so she talks so hard.

"Yao'er, I'm here for you."

"I know you are for my good, but I didn't give birth to a child. I didn't make up for it when I gave birth to a little monkey. The child was born as healthy." Ning Mengyao retorted.

What else did Xiao Chengya want to say? The white ink outside came in: "ya'er, Mengyao is not a child either. We can understand that you want to compensate her. These days, she also follows your wishes? According to your remedy, if the child is too big, it will suffer from Mengyao. It may even cause dystocia because the child is too big. You are a woman. You should know what dystocia means. "