These days, Xiao Chengya's actions are in his eyes. Because of Ning Mengyao's tolerance, Xiao Chengya has made some progress. She hates that Ning Mengyao drinks soup seven or eight times a day. If it's not Ning Mengyao's tolerance, how can she endure this time?

Xiao Chengya's face turned pale for a moment, and the hand holding the bowl turned a little white. Seeing such Xiao Chengya, Ning Mengyao felt uncomfortable and didn't know what happened. At this meeting, Xiao Chengya's mother's desire all ran to her. I wish I could be smaller and let her hold it in her arms.

Ning Mengyao reached out and rubbed his eyebrow, looking at Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang, please go out with me." At this time, she didn't want to stay here at all. She was really afraid that she couldn't bear it and burst out.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Chengya, then nods and helps Ning Mengyao out.

Walking outside, Ning Mengyao's eyebrows have been tightly wrinkled. Since Xiao Chengya came, her life has not been comfortable. Because of her mother, she can understand that Xiao Chengya wants to make up for herself and be nice to herself.

But this is good. She is really upset. She is also a woman. Don't you know what kind of consequences the children have caused?

Qiao Tianchang brings Ning Mengyao to a quiet place, reaches out to sit on the ground, and then holds the person in his arms: "OK?"

Ningmengyao took a deep breath, then shook her head: "I can understand her mood, but I really can't accept her."

"I know." How could he not see the depression of Tianning Mengyao?

Every morning I have to drink a cup of tonic soup before I get up for breakfast. I have to drink it again less than an hour after dinner. I have to drink it once before lunch, once after dinner, and the same is true in the evening.

Six times a day, the thunder can't move, and it's a big cup. He can't accept it, let alone ningmengyao, who didn't eat a lot.

It's very good that she can endure it for nearly half a month.

He reached out and rubbed his brow and heart: "I can't help it." She really has no way today, so she will get angry. She is really afraid that according to Xiao Chengya's meaning, something will happen in the end.

As long as she thought that she might have a difficult time giving birth to a child, her heart was filled with panic and even fear of giving birth to a child.

Qiao Tianchang hugged some people: "don't be afraid, I'm here."

Holding Qiao Tianchang's waist tightly, he seemed to make himself feel more comfortable in this way.

Ningmengyao leans on Qiao Tianchang's bosom and looks at him for a while before saying, "I really don't know how she has become like this, even if she wants to make up for it, can't she?"

No matter what she does, Xiao Chengya will interfere. This one can't be done, that one can't be done. This one is dangerous and that one is dangerous. As long as she doesn't follow Xiao Chengya's idea, Xiao Chengya will show her face all day.

It's so boring to find Ning Mengyao. She really can't understand. She's not a child anymore. How can Xiao Chengya treat her like this.

Is it because she can't stand it, so Xiao thinks she can interfere in all her affairs?

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's face with a light smile. He thinks Xiao chenya didn't mean to be nice to Ning Mengyao, but he didn't think it was the opposite. He didn't get ningmengyao's approval, but annoyed ningmengyao.

But I'm afraid no one is willing to accept it.

Ning Mengyao said impatiently, "if I continue, I will have prenatal depression."

"Don't talk nonsense." Qiao Tianchang frowns at Ning Mengyao. What is this girl talking about.

What a mess.

Ning Mengyao touched her nose and smiled twice. Now Qiao Tianchang couldn't hear her.

"Well, can't I say that? I don't want to go back. Let's stay here. " Ning Mengyao said sullenly.

"Well, let's go back later." They didn't go back outside, and at home, Xiao Chengya was not well at this time.