It's just that she didn't expect Ning Mengyao to dislike her even more. These days, she didn't stop Ning Mengyao. She just wanted to let her relax her vigilance to herself. But today, she heard that it was the two children. She was not calm at once. Anyway, she had to keep the two children by her side, so there was something behind her.

"Ya'er, you are so selfish. You have been separated from Mengyao for more than ten or twenty years. Now you want to rob her children and separate her from her own. How can you be so unreasonable?" Bai Mo's eyes widened, unable to believe that the man in front of him was really the one he knew.

"Doesn't she have children? Just think you haven't had these two before. " Xiao said impatiently.

Ningmengyao almost fainted on the ground because of xiaochengya's anger.

What is it called as if you have never been born? Is that a shame?

With a cold smile, Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Chengya and didn't look angry at all, but said in a flat voice: "since that's the case, then you should not have given birth to me. Where did the person who didn't care about me go at the beginning? Now you, I really doubt if someone has changed you."

At the beginning of that mother, in order not to let her not hurt, can even sacrifice for her to block injury, but now this? She could have said such a cruel thing.

When never born? Ha ha, what she said made her unable to refute.

White ink's eyes flickered slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were full of inquiry.

"What are you looking at me for?" Xiao Chengya said, staring at white ink angrily.

Bai Mo doesn't speak, but still looks at Xiao Chengya. What Ning Mengyao said just now reminds her. Isn't Xiao Chengya the same as the person they know?

But these days, they are always together, it is impossible for such things to happen.

But Xiao's appearance on this day made him suspect.

"And the South Island by your side?" White ink suddenly turned to look at Ning Mengyao and them.

"Are you skeptical?"

"That's right. I don't know ya'er like this. Even if people change, they won't change so much, will they?" White ink nodded, while Xiao Chengya didn't pay attention to it, he gave people a point, so that they couldn't move.

Nanyu is called back. After Nanyu's inspection, Xiao Chengya's face is found to be full of Yi Rong Gu.

Ningmengyao clenched her hands into a fist, but unexpectedly they were cheated, and it was still such a long time.

Thinking of what he had done just now, or even before, Ning Mengyao's face was very ugly.

Dare to think of her children, it's just looking for death.

"I'd like to see who, in the end, can run silently to us for the next life." Said Ning Mengyao in a cold voice.

It's not necessary for Ning Mengyao to open his mouth. Nanyu has already passed by and brought out the Yi Rong Gu from Xiao Chengya. However, the person's appearance makes Ning Mengyao very different. This person is Song Li.

How could she be here, and in such a way.

"And my mother?"

"Who knows." Song Li smiled coldly.

Ning Mengyao looks at Song Li with an ugly face. Bai Mo's expression is not much better. When someone comes to him, he doesn't know anything. Even where ya'er has gone, he doesn't find out. It's damned.

Song Li looks at Ning Mengyao and suddenly laughs: "Ning Mengyao, you are just like that. Are those soups good to drink? I have added materials."

When Qingshuang heard this, his face suddenly changed. He went to ningmengyao's side and gave ningmengyao a careful pulse. Finally, he frowned and his pulse was normal. There was no problem at all.


Song Li's face changed: "it's impossible. The medicine I ordered should almost work. I'll let you taste it and kill the person I love." After that, Song Li laughed crazily, which was kind of crazy.

Qingshuang looks at Ning Mengyao and shakes his head: "there is no problem, I can't put the wrong pulse."