Ningmengyao frowned and took a look at Song Li. It's impossible for him to give the wrong medicine. Qingshuang didn't give the wrong pulse. What's the matter?

According to Song Li, she is right now that she has a problem with her body, but why hasn't she had anything?

"Squeak." All of a sudden, a fox's cry sounded in the ears of all the people.

The familiar voice made Qiao Tianchang and his wife look at the past at the same time. When they saw the familiar fox, Ning Mengyao was stunned.

He reached out and picked it up, put it in his eyes, and looked carefully at the little fox in front of him.

"How did you get here? This is not where you should be. " Ning Mengyao reached out and rubbed the fox's head.

They have seen this fox several times, and she has helped herself a lot.

The little fox broke away from Ning Mengyao's arms, jumped to the ground, squeaked to Ning Mengyao for a few times, and then ran out.

"Follow up and see where it seems to want to take us." Ning Mengyao hurriedly followed, and said to Qiao Tianchang and then turned to look at Bai Mo: "this man will give it to you."

"Don't worry." Although he also wants to follow the past, he has something important to ask the woman.

"This man will be handed over to me and Qingshuang. If you want to go, follow me." South Island light opening.

At the time of revenge, he forgot the woman, but he didn't expect that she would dare to come to him.

Bai Mo takes a look at Nanyu and nods to leave behind them.

Looking at Song Li, who couldn't move, Nan Yu smiled coldly: "Song Li, are you thinking about where the king of Miao is?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? In fact, it's very simple. That person is dead. Maybe now he has become a pile of bones. It's a pity that he didn't let you try such a taste. Your poison is suppressed. It's not very good news. " Nanyu's voice was calm, but what he said made people feel very scared.

Qingshuang stood beside Nanyu and held his hand: "Nanyu......"

"Don't worry, Shuanger. I'm ok. I just thought that the person who killed my family is still alive and counting my sister-in-law. I was very upset." I'm not happy. Naturally, I have to ask for trouble. This person must be song Li.

Qingshuang has no choice but to let Nanyu vent.

Song Li opened her eyes to Nanyu's words and knew that she should be a little more restrained. She should not do such things that they suspected for revenge.

The man clearly showed her Xiao Chengya's materials, and let her study for a period of time specially. He also said that as long as she didn't go too far, Ning Mengyao would not do anything, but how could she forget it?

Song Li's face turned pale as soon as she thought that she had messed up the man's affairs.

Although the man looks very beautiful, he is not a friendly person, or even cruel. If that person knows her behavior now

At the thought of the man's means, Song Li's body vibrated constantly. She didn't even dare to think about what kind of expression a man would have.

Song Li almost died at first. It was the man who appeared in front of her and then helped her suppress the poison in her body.

But now she can say that she broke up the other party's plans.

Thinking of the possible results, Song Li's body kept shaking and her eyes were full of fear.

Looking at Song Li's sudden change, Nan Yu couldn't help but sneer and say, "it seems that the man who let you come will be disappointed."


"Frost, let's take her to play. I'm not sure we can ask anything interesting." Nan Yu looked at Song Li with a smile.

Qingshuang nodded, "OK, I like this one."

Song Li's body became extremely stiff when they were alone. It's not the first time she met these two people. Every time she saw them, her body hurt.