Song Li didn't forget who gave her pain to.

"You let me go."

"Let go of you? We will let go when we die, but now, take it with us Before Nanyu could speak, Qingshuang said with a smile.

When she dare to work with others to calculate them, she should know that she will have an end. Since she is not afraid, what are they afraid of?

Besides, Ning Mengyao and their side, they followed the little fox to a mountain forest in front of them, and finally found a cave.

Ning Mengyao frowned and looked at Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang, what do you say that little fox brought us here for?" Ning Mengyao looked around and frowned.

Joe Tianchang shook his head gently: "I don't know that either."

Ningmengyao frowned, and they walked towards the cave together with Yufeng.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, several people saw a man lying in it with a weak look. If it wasn't for the slightly undulating chest, they would all think it was a dead man.

See that person, Ning Mengyao stare big eyes, unexpectedly is Xiao Chengya.


"Ya'er." Without waiting for Ning Mengyao to have a chance to talk, Bai Mo has run towards the cave and reached out to pick up the man.

Looking at the wound that had healed on her body, Bai Mo blamed herself. How could they find it now? If it wasn't for this little fox, they didn't know how long it would take to find someone.

Then As long as you think about the possible results of Xiao Chengya, the body of white ink is extremely cold.

"Let's go back." Ning Mengyao quickly opens his mouth, and then slides the little fox on one side to his eyes: "thank you, little fox.

The little fox squeaked happily, and his fluffy tail swept ningmengyao's face gently.

Ning Mengyao laughingly looks at the fox. Seeing Xiao Chengya injured, the haze rises out of the sky.

Joe Tianchang squinted at the fox, thinking about whether it was a male or a female.

If it's a male fox Qiao Tianchang's eyes were cold, and the little fox who was rolling in Ning Mengyao's arms suddenly squeaked, as if he had been stimulated.

"Tianchang, let's go back." Ningmengyao didn't notice Qiao Tianchang's sight. He grabbed him and hurriedly followed Bai Mo back to the village.

After returning home as soon as possible, I called Qingshuang to check.

The wounds on the body have all healed, but some places have been infected. It is speculated that Xiao Chengya is now unconscious.

Help Xiao Chengya to deal with the wound, and then take the medicine to boil. Qingshuang has time to rest.

Ningmengyao ordered the following people to cook some porridge, and planned to wait for xiaochengya to eat when she wanted to come. I'm afraid she didn't eat well for such a long time.

Since Xiao Chengya was found, white ink has been guarding for a moment, deeply afraid of something else.

Three days later, Xiao finally opened her eyes. When she saw this strange place, she was stunned. Turning around, she saw the white ink lying on the edge of the bed sleeping.

Strong pull out a smile, Xiao Chengya's face with a little smile.

This time she thought she must be dead, but alas, she could still survive.

Bai Mo slept shallowly. As soon as the person in the bed moved, he immediately felt it. He quickly opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Chengya: "ya'er, are you awake? Is there anything uncomfortable? Hungry or not? I'll have someone bring you food? "

Several questions in a row made Xiao Chengya laugh. He was really

"I'm fine. Where am I?" Xiao Chengya sat up with her body propped up and looked around.

"Do you remember what happened? Why are you injured and lying in the cave? " White ink frowned and asked.

Xiao chenya nodded softly: "I remember that day we went to help Yao'er. When I came back, I went out. At last, I didn't know what happened, so I was followed by others. At last, I was hurt. By the way, nothing happened in this period of time, right?"