Yu Feng's worry is also Qiao Tianchang's worry. As long as they think of fengxiao, their eyes are all on Ning Mengyao, his heart is tightly clenched.

Ning Mengyao patted Qiao Tianchang's hand and said with a smile: "Tianchang is not too pessimistic, isn't it good for me? And he doesn't necessarily know about it. "

It's very difficult to send out the local news. Except for the news sent by her, others will be checked secretly. All the information related to this place will be erased.

"I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, there's nothing wrong with being careful." Qiao Tianchang frowned and looked at Ning Mengyao, who was worried.

Ningmengyao wants to refute, but Qiao Tianchang's worry makes her swallow the words: "OK Tianchang, I will pay attention to protect myself, you can rest assured, I will be OK, our children will be OK."

"Well." Qiao Tianchang nodded, but he made a decision in his heart. He must protect the three of them.

In just three days, Song Li was not a human being. The poisonous insects and poisons that had been forced on her burst out in a flash. Without the help of Nanyu, they could make song Li miserable.

"Song Li, didn't you think? I've found my wife. " Qingshuang stands aside and looks at Song Li.

In those days, it's too much to dare to treat her like this. It's just that. It's really cheap for her. Qingshuang murmurs discontentedly in his heart.

Song Li's face changed. "It's impossible. She can't be alive." That man should be dead. How can he live? It was found.

You need to know how serious Xiao's injury is.

"That's really disappointing for you. Madam is still alive, and she has woken up." Qingshuang smiles, but the smile is cold.

If it wasn't for the fox with aura who found the herbs for his wife, I'm afraid she would have died long ago.

Song Li's heart hates: "I didn't expect that she was still alive."

Song Li, whose mood fluctuated too much, suddenly turned pale and kept rolling on the ground. With these two people in front of her, Song Li didn't even have the chance to commit suicide. Moreover, after they left, they even took off her chin to prevent her from biting her tongue and committing suicide.

At this time, Song Li has an idea of dying immediately.

This kind of pain is really unbearable. It's like killing people.

"Kill me." Song Li couldn't stand the pain that almost broke her down, she begged.

Qingshuang squats down and looks at Song Li, whose face has been twisted: "kill you? Why kill you? Song Li, what we want is to make your life worse than death, not only for Nanyu, but also for our wife. "

Whether it's Nanyu or xiaochengya, this woman should die. But it's not worth it to be so simple, so she won't let people die. She wants to make this woman's life worse than death.

Nanyu looks at Qingshuang with a warm smile on his face. This is his wife, his most important wife.

No matter what you do, think of him. It's a good feeling. It's really very good.

Go to Qingshuang's side, reach out and pull up: "don't lean so close."

Qingshuang smiled and nodded, "OK."

The intimacy of the two aroused Song Li's hatred.

Originally she had such a husband, but she died in the hands of these people.

The vision of hatred fell on the two men. Qingshuang didn't notice, but Nanyu did.

Light looking at Song Li: "tell me everything you know, I'll let you free what do you say?"

"Don't think about it." Song Li sneers and wants to know the news from her? They don't even think about it.

However, they didn't care about Nanyu at all. Looking at Song Li lightly, they said secretly, "Song Li, do you think we can't help you if you don't say it?"

"What do you mean?" Song Liqiang bears the pain and watches Nanyu with vigilance.

Nan Yu went to Song Li's face and smiled lightly: "why don't you say it, just to live?"