Song Li's body is slightly stiff. She is silent and silent, but they smile coldly: "do you think that if you don't speak, we can't help it? Song Li wants you to open your mouth in many ways, and we have more ways to toss people. Would you like to try the same? "

Because of Nanyu's words, Song Li's body trembled slightly. She did not doubt Nanyu's words at all. These days, in addition to the outbreak of the suppressed poisonous insects and poisons in her body, there are also their means of tossing people, which really made Song Li unable to bear.

Song Li's face is white at the thought of their means.

Qingshuang looks at Song Li and smiles lightly: "Song Li, choose one of the two, or you can say it yourself, or We'll find a way for you to say it. "

Song Li clenched her teeth, but she was still reluctant to open her mouth. As she looked like this, Qingshuang naturally understood what it meant: "toast without penalty. Since then, we are not polite."

What they exchanged for their impoliteness was song Li's shrill scream.

When people outside heard the sound, they could not help but shrink their necks. This man is really terrible.

One day later, they went to their yard in ningmengyao with dignified faces.

"My sister-in-law has asked."

"Oh? Let's hear it. " Asked Ning Mengyao curiously.

Nanyu began to say that song Lizhen was the one from fengxiao, and the purpose was to poison someone in the middle of ningmengyao or Qiao Tianchang.

As long as one of them is poisoned, what will happen in the end, needless to say, AGA can guess.

Ning Mengyao frowned slightly: "that's all?"

"Song Li said that, but because of the things you did to her in the past, which made her feel resentful, you can't wait to do it, and also did things that are different from your aunt's temperament, which led to early exposure. According to fengxiao's meaning, she wants to stay here and work for them. It's better to know what they want from your mouth No place. "

Ning Mengyao nodded to show that he knew. I have to say that if fengxiao's plan is really successful, it will catch them off guard. But he chose the wrong person. Song Lili should not be allowed to come. Song Li's arrival will only destroy his plan.

"And Song Li?"

"Dungeon, half dead." Nanyu said calmly, obviously not considering what kind of reaction his words would lead to.

Yufeng's eyelids jumped and looked at Yufeng. "Are you sure she didn't cheat you?"

"No." If Song Li can make up such a lie to deceive them in that case, it only shows that song Li's endurance is really powerful.

Song Li is not a patient woman.

If so, she won't be exposed so early.

Yufeng shook his head: "it's terrible to be an enemy with you. What kind of mouth can't be opened when there are two like this?"

Ningmengyao seriously thought about it, and then said, "it seems that it hasn't happened yet."

Indeed, no matter what kind of people, what kind of training they have received and what kind of training they have had since Nanyu and Qingshuang colluded and become traitors, they will be convinced and submissive by their endless means. They have no ability to resist at all.

Yufeng's mouth slightly twitches, and he says nothing to ningmengyao: "are you sure you're not showing off?"

"You can think that." With such two helpers, can she be proud?

Yu Feng turned to Qiao Tianchang and said, "Tianchang, how can you stand Xiaoyao's appearance?" It's hard to understand how to resist the wind.

"There's nothing wrong with her." Qiao Tianchang, as a matter of course, makes Yufeng more speechless.

These two people are one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer. They'd better watch a play nearby. As for what's involved? Let's forget it.

Don't let them go out together. It's him who will die. He won't do such a stupid thing.