After a lot of noise, everyone went back to the original question: "now what we need to know is whether fengxiao knows it or not." If fengxiao knows, then what should they do.

Ningmengyao has a feeling that people like fengxiao can't put all the chips on one person, especially women like song Li.

"Yao'er, do you mean to worry that fengxiao is still planting others here? And Song Li is just a cover? " Yufeng soon understood the meaning of ningmengyao.

Ning Mengyao nodded softly: "it's true. If my brother-in-law is you, what should you do? Will you put all your chips on someone you don't trust? "

Yufeng is silent, but he can't. instead of using a chip of distrust, he should use someone he can trust. Suddenly, Yufeng understands ningmengyao's meaning: "Yaoer, you mean..."

"Yes, Song Li is just the person fengxiao uses to attract our attention. As for the real person who does things, I'm afraid she's still in the dark." Ning Mengyao frowned.

If that's the case, I'm afraid it's a bit of a hassle to find people out.

The people who can be sent by fengxiao must be excellent.

"You don't have to worry too much, Xiaoyao. Fengxia won't be stupid enough to put both of them beside us. Just pay a little attention." Yufeng's mind has already been taken care of.

If that person wants to deal with ningmengyao's husband and wife, he will certainly approach them. As long as he approaches strangers during this period, he may be fengxiao's person.

Ning Mengyao was stunned, then smiled and nodded: "brother in law, you are right, there is nothing to worry about."

In addition to Qiao Tianchang's complete understanding of the riddles between the two, other people are in a state of ignorance and have no idea what they are talking about.

Mu Chen looks at the two: "what do you two mean? Make it clear. "

Yu Feng picked his eyebrows and looked at Mu Chen: "why do you want to make it clear? It's an IQ question. You don't even ask Tianchang. It just means that you are weak. "

Ningmengyao's eyelids jumped, looking at the man who was afraid that the world would not be disordered. She didn't even have to look at Muchen's face, so she could guess how angry she was now.

"Fight against the wind."

"Have you ever beaten me?"

Everyone looked at Yu Feng doubtfully, how could they feel that the scene was so familiar? Think carefully, isn't that what Joe Tianchang said to Yufeng?

Situ Xuan reached out and grabbed Mu Chen and asked him to sit beside her. However, she did not move. At the same time, she gently pacified her: "what's your anger with the life of dissatisfaction?"

"Little Xuaner, who are you talking about This words how to listen to all have the taste of gnashing teeth inside.

Situ Xuan blinked and said innocently, "well, no one."

On the contrary, Muchen took a look at situ Xuan and said calmly, "isn't that you?"

It's Yufeng's turn to jump. Ning Mengyao looks at the two men and starts fighting again. Suddenly she says, "brother in law, you have a good relationship with Muchen."

At the same time, they turn their heads and stare at Ning Mengyao: "who has a good relationship with him?"

Ningmengyao blinked and pointed to the two people: "look at your two so tacit understanding, speaking the same, but also said that the relationship is not good?"

"Don't follow me." They stare at each other and talk at the same time.

as like as two peas, the expression overwhelmed with joy. "Let's see," you said, "you're not in good relationship." How good the relationship is, so that the expression can be synchronized with the spirit of speech. "

Yufeng wants to say something else, but after a look at Ning Mengyao, he simply won't say anything, nothing about the head office, right?

"The two old men, who are decades old, are still arguing with children here. Are you tired?" When Qiao Tianchang opens his mouth, it's like a second kill.

Ningmengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang stupidly. Won't Yufeng and Muchen beat him up?

"Who do you say is the old man?" This time, they had a good understanding and roared at the wind.

Qiao Tianchang calmly looked at the two men and said casually, "isn't that the two of you?"