Ningmengyao can't help but cover her face. At this time, can Tianchang stop adding fuel to the fire.

Yufeng and Muchen look at each other, then bite their teeth and say, "beat him."

When they started at the same time, Qiao Tianchang said, "two people beat me. You will be very ashamed if you lose, and you will be disgraceful if you win. Are you sure you want to fight?"

Ningmengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a very frightened look. Where is her honest husband? How does she feel like she's blacked out?

It needs to be replaced with the previous one. I can't explain it directly, but now It's too strange to say such a thing. She can't believe it's true.

Yufeng's eyelids kept beating, hurt blue tendons straight up, a good half after the opening: "hit again."

In the end, Qiao Tianchang won, while Yufeng and Yufeng were miserable.

Ningmengyao looks at the miserable appearance of the two people, and they can't bear to look straight at each other. She knows that Tianchang can't fight, and she wants to fight with Tianchang. Isn't it self inflicted?

Qiao Tianchang goes to Ning Mengyao's side: "Yao Yao, it's time for you to have a rest."

Ningmengyao would like to say something else, but think about it, let's go, don't stay here, and the provincial government will blow them up by electricity.

Situ Xuan picked them up and looked at Yu Feng. "Are you OK, brother Yu Feng?" Situ Xuan was worried.

"I'm ok. Let's go with Muchen. I'll leave later." Yufeng sits on the chair, regardless of the fact that his face is blue and purple.

What else did situ Xuan want to say, but was stopped by Muchen. They left together, leaving Yufeng alone in the yard.

After a while, Yu Feng also left. There seems to be a little more change on him.

In the room, Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang strangely: "Tianchang, what's wrong with you today? Always provocative brother-in-law. "

Qiao Tianchang's movements stopped for a while because of Ning Mengyao's words, but soon he came back to his senses and smiled at Ning Mengyao.

"Because my sister didn't follow me, and looked at us in pairs every day, his heart was somewhat depressed, especially the child was still young." Because of this, so Joe Tianchang found a way to let Yufeng vent his anger completely, so that he would not feel particularly uncomfortable.

Listen to Qiao Tianchang's words, Ning Mengyao is totally stunned. He never thought about such a reason that Qiao Tianchang would fight against Yu Feng.

"I didn't find it." Ning Mengyao frowned, feeling as if she had been a bit disobedient. She didn't even know that her brother-in-law had been suppressing herself.

He reached out and rubbed Ning Mengyao's head. Qiao Tianchang smiled and said, "Yufeng is very good at hiding his emotions. As long as he doesn't want to, he can not let anyone see his emotions. I will find that he also saw them unintentionally."

Before he saw Yufeng venting his depression in some places in the village where no one else was. So he knew this matter and today's one.

He and Muchen provoke Yufeng respectively, and then fight fiercely. No matter what, the anger in Yufeng's heart can be reduced.

Ning Mengyao frowned and asked with some worry, "is that brother-in-law OK?"

"It's OK. He and Merlin may have never been away for such a long time, but we don't know when to go back now, so we are worried." Joe Tianchang can fully understand the feeling of Yufeng, because he once had it himself. He was alone, his wife and children were at home, and his return date was uncertain, which was very bad.

It's ok if the time is short. If the time is long, there may be problems.

"Then I'll be relieved. I've ignored it." Ning Mengyao frowned and said reproachfully.

Quzhi knocks heavily on ningmengyao's forehead: "what do you think? He never blamed you. "

Ningmengyao sighed, "because of this, I feel sad."