As for fengxiao, when she left, she only took her own things. As for fengxiao, she stayed all of them and left some things for her to prepare.

Standing outside the palace with a faint smile, she turned around and left without hesitation. If she didn't know that she didn't give up in her eyes, she might think she was a heartless person.

It took a lot of time to get outside the Xiao family.

At this time, the West Coast families outside have all left, and have not yet looked at the traces that remain even after a long time.

Frown slightly, it seems that the battle was very fierce at that time, no wonder that the man would be so seriously injured.

The appearance of undecided, Ning Mengyao they soon know.

Ning Mengyao frowned: "isn't she missing? How can it suddenly appear? "

"Your mother and I came here to tell us. I feel that WeiLuo is a very mysterious person. You can see Mengyao." White Mo looked at Ning Mengyao and said earnestly.

If you don't find it by yourself, maybe you have something to tell them.

Ningmengyao thought about it, then nodded, "Qinghuai, you will pick up people."

Qinghuai entered and went out. After an hour, he came in with his white clothes behind them.

Seeing such a failure, Ning Mengyao was surprised. Looking at her present appearance differently, Ning Mengyao asked in some consternation, "are you still in failure?" Is that too much of a difference?

Did not drop a nod: "very accident?"

"It's really a surprise. My mother and they have told me. I don't know why you came to me this time?" Ningmengyao doesn't like to go straight to the point.

"You're still like this. I'm here to tell you something. I hope you can listen carefully. After listening, I'll decide what to do."

Ningmengyao is very uncomfortable by the tone of "WeiLuo". She looks at it and says, "what if I want to refuse?"

The smile on her face did not change. She looked at Ning Mengyao and said firmly: "I believe you will not do that, and it is good for you. What I want to tell you is about fengxiao."

Ningmengyao's eyes suddenly turned cold, with a little vigilance.

"Tell me what you came for." Ningmengyao didn't say much either. She spoke directly. It was obvious that she agreed in disguise.

The smile on WeiLuo's face is rich. Looking at Ning Mengyao, he directly says, "stop fengxiao. Don't let him take away the things here."

"You don't have to say we will do it." It's their stuff. Nobody wants to take it.

"Feng Xiao is a very stubborn person. There is no one who can change his decision. Not only that, Feng Xiao has a reason to do it."

"Oh? Then I was curious. What was he doing that for? Was it not for one's own sake? " Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at her face with sarcasm.

He didn't care about Ning Mengyao's sarcasm, but looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "he doesn't have that ambition. He is in a high position on the west coast. His power can be said to be the same as tongbaozhai."

"In that case, what else will he do?" Ningmengyao suddenly had some interest, and looked curiously.

Now that he is so fierce, what else does he have to contend for?

He didn't fall to look at the front and spoke lightly: "he was poisoned by his closest and most trusted person, which only the other side can detoxify. After the last siege here, he was seriously injured, and then he was poisoned."

At that time, the appearance of fengxiao made WeiLuo very sad, so today she stood here, hoping that ningmengyao and other people could understand fengxiao and help fengxiao.

Ningmengyao looks at her frown and never looks down. She doesn't speak. Fengxiao seems to be really poisoned, and she has very big eyes.

However, Ning Mengyao soon hid his thoughts in his heart, picked up his eyebrows and looked at him: "how do you know?"

"You don't have to guess. I'm with him this time."