Ningmengyao's eyes were cold and angry: "what do you mean?"

"Don't get me wrong. I don't want to help him. I just don't want him to hurt himself because of his own willpower. That's why I come to you. I'm not afraid you don't believe me. If I really want to help him, the things here are already in his bag." Not falling straight into Ning Mengyao's eyes, no Dodge, some just serious and serious.

Yufeng and other people on the edge also frowned. She was surprised by the appearance of WeiLuo. How could she be so determined that if she helped, fengxiao could get these things? Can't they set it up?

Ning Mengyao looked at her and said coldly, "who are you?"

Did not fall lightly smile, looking at Ning Mengyao: "I do not know if you have heard of the prophet."

There is doubt in the eyes of all but the windward, the prophet? Is there a prophet in this place?

"You mean, are you a prophet?" Yufeng's voice was trembling and disbelieving. How could a prophet stay in such a place? But looking at her serious appearance, Yufeng had to believe even if he didn't believe it any more.

Didn't fall to nod: "you guessed right, I am a prophet, but it's different from the one you know. I'm still a divinator. When I met you last time, I wasn't chased by the homeless people, but the one who really chased me was my peers." After that, WeiLuo is obviously talking to Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao hook lips a smile, smile like looking at not left sneer out: "it seems that we all look down on you."

WeiLuo shook his head: "I went to the west coast after I separated from you, fulfilled the master's last wish, helped her take care of fengxiao, and stopped fengxiao's action. But I found before that what fengxiao had to do, I couldn't stop it, but you can, so I came to you."

What hasn't been said to Ning Mengyao is that it makes people feel strange, prophet? Divination? That was only a few hundred years ago. Aren't all of them gone? But what about the people in front of us now? Can it be a fake?

"Why should I help you?"

"Mengyao, help me to let fengxiao survive, and I will help you do what you want to do." I know you will leave after this event. I can help you deal with all the things here, including anything in Xiaoguo

This temptation is a little big for ningmengyao, while Yufeng and others stare at ningmengyao with wide eyes: "what does Xiaoyao mean by her? Where are you going to leave? "

" yes, Yao'er, you didn't even tell us. " Muchen also frowned at Ning Mengyao, who was obviously angry.

Ning Mengyao rubbed his brow and heart with a headache, looked at the two men and shrunk his neck: "brother in law, brother Muchen, you know, after this incident, tongbaozhai's movement here is too big, we are not suitable to stay here."

She doesn't want to leave if she can, but if they stay, tongbaozhai will be feared by the people in power in other countries. Maybe they will start tongbaozhai with the strength of everyone.

After all, no one in power wants his country to be threatened by others at any time.

Yufeng frowned and didn't open his mouth as a military division. He would think more about it. Ning Mengyao was right. If they continue to stay, even if they don't do anything, they will be suspected. In that case, it's better to leave this place.

"Are you going to the west coast?" Yu Feng looks at them and frowns and asks, "that place is not easy to get along with.".

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded: "maybe, but it will not pass until the things here are handled." Now their determination will not leave.