Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly. He gave a warning to several people on the edge. They were so brave to see them coming.

"This is Tianchang." Ningmengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a pair of big, watery eyes without blinking. The eyes are a little lethality. It takes Qiao Tianchang a lot of willpower to turn his head away. If he continues to look, he is afraid that he will nod his head and agree.

Qiao Tianchang closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then looked down at BA in his arms, who refused to leave. "Yaoyao, you are a pregnant woman now. There are two children in your stomach. I can't let you take risks."

"But this is the best way." Ning Mengyao said weakly, only in this way can we make the other side believe it.

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "I would rather spend some time than let you take risks." This time, the risk factor of the event is relatively large. It's good if it's not found. If it's found, he can't even think about the consequences.

As long as he thought that something might happen to Ning Mengyao, Qiao Tianchang felt cold all over.

Ningmengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with a headache. He will not agree with her to go to knitting, but what should he do?

Is that how it goes?

When Ning Mengyao was tangled up, he didn't open his mouth: "there is actually another way, that is to pass on the news of jinglinghu here."

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang's eyes fell on the body that had not fallen at the same time: "Linghu? What do you mean? "

"That's right. Linghu blood, the holy thing of Miao, can detoxify hundreds of poisons, so he has been looking for Linghu all the time, but there is no news. If you let him know that Linghu is here, he will come." Did not fall to look at Ning Mengyao very definitely said.

Ningmengyao's eyes are not lost. Linghu is really here. Is it right to let Linghu out at that time? She can't do such a thing.

"All he wants is some blood from the fox." Seeing what ningmengyao thought in her heart, she didn't fall and smile.

"Why do you think Linghu will be here?" Ningmengyao is very surprised to see that it hasn't fallen, with thick doubts on her face.

WeiLuo chuckles, but she is teased by ningmengyao's lovely appearance.

"Why do you know? This can't be said, but I know Linghu is by your side. "

Ningmengyao did not lose a look. Linghu is in their hands, but why should she take it out? For Ning Mengyao, Linghu is her private property. No matter who it is, don't try to rob it.

Not fall to look at the expression on Ning Mengyao's face is very serious: "Mengyao you can only choose this way."

Ning Mengyao chuckled and said, "are you threatening me? Or are you ordering me? "

WeiLuo frowned: "I didn't mean to threaten you or command you. I just want to tell you that this is the best solution. As long as fengxiao can get rid of the poison, he won't think about these things. At that time, there will be fewer people dying. Isn't that good?" I don't understand why ningmengyao insists on it. Isn't this the best solution?

Ning Mengyao laughed and didn't lose a look: "it's just your saying. Do you think he will give up the things here? What are the things here, and you can understand some of them, but you can tell me, who can really give up these things? "

The mocking eyes look at her. Ning Mengyao really doesn't know where her confidence comes from.

As long as fengxiao's poison is removed, it will give up everything here.

"I promise he won't," he said

Ning Mengyao sneered: "you promise? Your promise won't work because you're not him. "


"I know you know fengxiao better than him, but please don't forget that people are the most difficult to guess, I can't take this risk, and your appearance, the other party probably already knows? Do you think he will believe it in this way? "