It's not that Ning Mengyao wants to doubt her, but that she has to think so. After all, the man in fengxiao makes her feel very difficult to control. Such a person, she promises?

I can't guarantee my own affairs, let alone others.

Her suggestion, though dangerous, is more persuasive. After all, it is true that song Li gave her medicine.

She frowned and looked at ningmengyao, but she didn't think of the problem. She looked at ningmengyao, sighed and said, "what do you want?"

"Tianchang is still my way, is that ok?" Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang seriously, without entreaties, compromises or insistence.

Because it's very important to her.

Qiao Tianchang wants to refute Ning Mengyao very much, but seeing her insistence, Qiao Tianchang can't even say anything, and even thinks about it and agrees.

Qiao Tianchang's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled, and the expression on his face is very ugly.

"Tianchang......" Ningmengyao also knew that her request was too much. If Qiao Tianchang asked for it, she would not agree.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes flickered slightly, and then he said, "make people look like you."

Ning Mengyao said, "Tianchang, what do you mean?"

"That's what you think. If you don't agree, then we'd rather take a detour." He still has no way to let Ning Mengyao take risks, which is his only insistence.


"Xiaoyao, you'd better listen to Tianchang. If I'm Tianchang, there's no room for discussion. I'll have to take a detour." When Ning Mengyao wants to speak, Yu Feng interrupts him in time and persuades him with his own attitude.

"Yes, Yao'er, you were so angry when Tianchang was injured. Now you are just a new person. If there is any accident, Tianchang may not forgive yourself, so Yao'er, don't be capricious." As soon as Yufeng's voice fell, situ Xuan began to speak.

Fidgety grabbed his hair, Ning Mengyao looked at them and opened his mouth, finally nodded helplessly.

"Then Well then. "

Everyone said that, Ning Mengyao can't act alone, which will only hurt the hearts of those who care about her.

See Ning Mengyao agreed, Qiao Tianchang greatly relieved, as long as she is not personally suspected, Qiao Tianchang is relieved.

I am envious of the way they get along.

How about her ability like this? But lost such warm feelings.

"Mengyao sometimes I really envy you. No, I should say it's jealousy." Did not fall bitter smile to see Ning Mengyao mumbling to say.

"Why do you say that?" said Ning Mengyao

"It's nothing but that you are really enviable. You have such a good husband, a group of good and evil friends, and lovely children..." Did not fall to look at Ning Mengyao said with a smile, but with a little bitter smile.

Ningmengyao tightly pursed her lips and did not lose a look: "you also have maple."

Maple? WeiLuo smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Mengyao I will not see him again in the future, get rid of these things you don't tell him, and hope you can help me take good care of him."

"Why?" Ningmengyao is puzzled and angry. Doesn't this man like maple so much?

"How can I not like maple? It's just that I have my responsibility and my mission. " Did not fall to look up at the front, whisper.

Yu Feng suddenly opened his mouth without looking down. "As long as the prophets in history are a little more powerful, their life span will not exceed 40."

"You're right, but you're wrong. It's not more than forty, but thirty-five, and I'm thirty-four today." The sound is very low, low let people listen to some of the tangent.

"Why?" Ningmengyao is surprised, can't believe to see not fall, how can become this appearance?