"There is no free lunch in the world, you have to pay what you get. The ability of the prophet is too rebellious. Therefore, all the prophets with great ability are not good. I'm very relieved that feng'er has you to take care of me." There is no meaning of sadness and sorrow. There is still a warm smile on her face, as if she is not talking about her own affairs, but others' affairs.

Ningmengyao can understand this truth naturally, but is it too cruel? She is 35 years old or in a good age, but she is in danger of dying at any time.

"No way?"

"Not to the best of my knowledge."

Ningmengyao was silent, and a few people on the edge didn't speak. Instead, he looked at them and said, "what's the matter? My client is not in a low mood, but you have become like this. "

Ning Mengyao frowned and looked at the pretended lightness: "do you want to die so much?"

Not falling silent for a while, then looking at the expression on Ning Mengyao's face is very indifferent and sad.

"If I could, how could I want to die? How good to live, to live can do a lot of things, but to die... " I can't do anything when I'm dead. I can't see my own child and the man.

Thinking of this, her face is deeply desolate. If she can, she would rather not have such a ability, just want to be an ordinary person, so that she can grow up with her children and watch them get married and have children.

But it was an extravagant hope for her.

Fortunately, she found a good and good husband and wife for her children, so that she can trust her children to go out.

Ningmengyao looks at the complexity, expectation and loneliness in her face.

"Well, I'm fine. Maybe that's my destiny." There was a faint smile on the still face.

Ningmengyao was silent for a while, then looked at WeiLuo: "after the things here are handled, you can go to see maple with me. He cares about you very much."

Ningmengyao's words made WeiLuo's body slightly tremble. After thinking for a long time, WeiLuo still shook his head: "no, I know he has a good life beside you. That's enough. As for other things, don't disturb his current life because of my affairs."

Originally, he wanted to continue persuasion, but Qiao Tianchang blocked Ning Mengyao from going on.

Qiao Tianchang can understand the meaning of the unfinished work. She doesn't want her children to see her leave with their own eyes, at least not now. Even if she dies, she doesn't want her children to know. She just wants her children to know that she has gone to other places, but at least she is still alive.

This is also a thought for children.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and nods at last: "I know. I will treat feng'er well. At least when he grows up, I will tell him everything."

Thought about it, then nodded, "OK."

What hasn't happened makes ningmengyao not interested in anything. It's really not good that she knows that the other side's life is coming to an end, but she has no way at all.

"Mengyao, you don't need to care about this."

"How can I not care?" Although their relationship is not so good, they are at least friends. How can they watch their friends die step by step.

Not fall a Zheng, then smiled: "in fact this is also good."

"What's good?" Ningmengyao did not have a good breath of white did not fall a glance, impatient said.

"Yao Yao......"

"Well, I know. Just follow your advice. I hope to bring fengxiao here as soon as possible." Ningmengyao is defeated by Qiao Tianchang's helpless sight, she mumbles discontentedly.

If fengxiao's affairs can't be solved, she'll feel uneasy.

Did not fall a smile to look at Ning Mengyao: "Mengyao thank you."

Ningmengyao really didn't want to deal with it, but nodded with a cold face.

The news that didn't come here, as they guessed by Ning Mengyao, soon came to fengxiao's hands.

Feng Xiao's face changed instantly after receiving the news, but he soon returned to peace, as if everything just happened was an illusion.