Ningmengyao was shocked for a while, and looked at fengxiao and shrugged: "that's your freedom, but I hope you don't regret it after you do it."

"Regret? That woman poisoned me just to get that man's one night favor. My life is not as important as that man's one night coming. " Feng Xiao laughed at himself.

There are so many mothers in the world. Why does his mother look like this?

This is not only Ning Mengyao, but also Qiao Tianchang. They are totally stunned. They all stare at fengxiao and say, "you haven't finished laughing?" This is their first reaction.

Feng Xiao glanced at them and said lightly, "do I seem to be joking?"

Yufeng and they wanted to say something like that, but when they saw that he was very serious, they said something.

"Oh, by the way, I don't want any other poison, just give me two portions of the poison of seven insects and seven flowers." The courtesy is reciprocal. What they send to him is what he should return.

Ningmengyao couldn't resist fengxiao at all, so she nodded: "let Qingshuang give you a moment."

"Thank you."

For a moment, the yard fell into a short silence, and then fengxiao broke the strange silence step by step: "I find it very comfortable to get along with you, and I don't always want to be vigilant, and I'm afraid it will be bad for myself."

"We'll go to the west coast." Said Jo Tianchang.

Feng Xiao is startled, then looks at them: "really?"


"Then I can visit you later. It's good." Feng Xiao nodded, thinking about their past days, shouldn't they be bored?

I'm afraid that those who are not willing to go under and have the ability to go past will make a great change in the west coast.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at fengxiao and said calmly, "you have never heard of that, you can enjoy the cool with your back against the big tree."

Feng Xiao's expression froze, looking at Qiao Tianchang: "with your ability and means, you still need to rely on my tree?"

"Why not? Who do you depend on if you don't know where you live? " Ningmengyao gives fengxiao a white eye, which is clear in the eyes. Do you have any opinions?

Feng Xiao cleverly shut up: "you think I didn't say anything."

Because Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao are similar to joking words. The previous estrangement disappears. When everyone knows each other and smiles, the smile is full of the feeling of mutual affection.

In the evening, Qingshuang and Nanyu appeared and handed the antidote to fengxiao: "well, this is the antidote, but you'd better take it in the daytime." Qingshuang looks at fengxiao and opens her mouth.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Qingshuang gives fengxiao some of your seven insects and seven flowers. He takes them back to the west coast for gifts." Ningmengyao looks at Qingshuang and orders.

"How much?"

Feng Xiao's eyelids jumped: "how many do you have?"

Qingshuang frowned and thought, but couldn't remember. Then she turned to look at Nanyu: "how many do you remember

"A dozen?" Nanyu also said with some uncertainty.

Qingshuang nodded, as if there were so many: "shall we give them all to you? Oh, by the way, one bottle seems to be twenty. "

Feng Xiao really doesn't know what expression to use to describe his mood: "I want a bottle."

So much, it's not sugar, it can eat by itself.

"Just one bottle? OK, I'll find it for you. " Then he went out again. When he came back, he still had two bottles in his hand.

"The red one is poison, the blue one is antidote, but only one." Qingshuang said quietly.

"I see."

Feng Xiao put away the medicine and looked at his antidote: "what's the difference between this antidote and the one you gave me?"

"Of course, this is an upgraded antidote. After you detoxify, you will get more benefits. Although you and my young lady were enemies before, now they treat you as friends. Naturally, they can't treat you badly." Qingshuang said naturally.

Feng Xiao looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "should I say thank you?"

"I don't mind if you want to say that."

"Haha, fengxiao, you really feel disobeyed by your friends like this." Ning Mengyao finally couldn't help laughing.