Feng Xiao's face turned black. Looking at Ning Mengyao's overjoyed appearance, he was speechless for a moment. As expected, any kind of master would have any kind of servant girl. Both the servant girl and the master are virtuous.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched Ning Mengyao's head, indicating that she would not laugh too much and save face for others.

Ningmengyao touched her nose and looked at fengxiao. "When are you going back?"

"When are you going there?" Feng Xiao didn't answer the questions.

"I'm afraid it will be some time." Ningmengyao reaches out and touches her belly, at least after the baby is born.

Not only that, there are still many mess waiting for them to clean up.

Feng Xiao nodded: "in this case, I'll join you. I'll just have a look here."

Ningmengyao looks at fengxiao unexpectedly, and asks in surprise, "are you actually interested in this place?"

"Well, I feel like there's nothing wrong here." Feng Xiao nods.

Ningmengyao's face turns black in an instant. Does the person want to settle down in this place?

One Maureen, one fengxiao, how disgusting is the west coast to make these two people want to stay?

"By the way, Xiao Luoyan, do you know?" Ning Mengyao suddenly thought of Xiao Luoyan. She couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, it's just a waste of ambition and no brain." Feng Xiao said that he was disgusted.

Ning Mengyao was very surprised to see Feng Xiao, eyes with a surprise: "but look at him like that is not very stupid ah."

"That's because he has a pretty good division around him." Otherwise, how could he have come to this point in Xiao's family.

Ning Mengyao nodded clearly: "no wonder, what does he have to do with you? Subordinates or what? "

"Is he a garbage collector?" Feng Xiao looks at Ning Mengyao with contempt.

What does this girl think of him? People like Xiao Luoyan and those stupid people of the Xiao family think that he is a gorgeous person.

"Well, you seem to be saying too much?" Ningmengyao put out her hand and touched her nose awkwardly, saying that people are rubbish. It seems that it's not good, and it's still Xiao's.

"What's too much? I can say that in front of him, what you should care about is not Xiao Luoyan, but the concubines of Xiao family around him, that is the wolf in sheep's clothing all the time. " Feng Xiao looked at Ning Mengyao and said.

Ning Mengyao immediately came to the interest: "let's listen."

"That bastard's name is Xiao Teng. In fact, he is not recognized by the Xiao family. But Xiao Luoyan's father saw that he was very talented in all aspects, so he left him beside Xiao Luoyan, but they didn't know that what they left was not a sheep." Feng Xiao thought of the Xiao family named Xiao Teng, and couldn't help sarcastically saying.

Ningmengyao looks at fengxiao in surprise. "Do you mean Xiao Teng is thinking about Xiao's family?"

"It's natural that there are many dirty things behind every big family. Xiao Teng grew up with his mother, who was just a very ordinary woman, but was killed by Xiao Luoyan's mother. At that time, Xiao Teng was on the scene and saw it with his own eyes." Feng Xiao told Ning Mengyao some things she knew.

Since they are going there, they will definitely match up with the people of the Xiao family. Since they will, it is better for them to know something about the Xiao family earlier, which is also good for them.

Ning Mengyao suddenly understood the meaning of fengxiao, while Yufeng was very interested: "maybe we can see a play that is not very bad after the past."


Ning Mengyao is curious about Xiao Luoyan's father. What kind of intelligence is it? Can you put such a person beside your son?

"However, Xiao Teng is also a patient."

"He really can bear it. He has been around Xiao Luoyan for five years, and in these five years, he is often dealt with by Xiao Luoyan's mother. As long as he is at Xiao's house, it's common for him to get hurt. It's the most dangerous person who knows how to tolerate and avoid his sharp edge." Feng Xiao agreed with Qiao Tianchang very much.