If it's not different from Xiao tengdao, he really wants to get people to his own hands.

But it's dangerous to keep such a wolf.

Ning Mengyao said with great interest, "I really want to see what kind of expression they will see when they see the people they have ignored, or even looked down upon, stirring up the Xiao family."

"It must be very interesting."

"But I don't really like the Xiao family at all." Just from fengxiao's words, Ning Mengyao can feel some problems in Xiao's family. In such a place, they are still far away.

You can go to the theatre, but you can't put yourself in it.

"Now that your business is over here, it seems that we should go back." Ning Mengyao thought of her son who had been separated for a long time, and her eyes flashed with deep thoughts.

WeiLuo has been sitting on the edge watching them chat, so relaxed fengxiao she really has not seen, watching them like this, WeiLuo is finally at ease.

When they decided to go back, WeiLuo suddenly said, "Mengyao, I will not go back with you."

Ning Mengyao stared at him, frowning slightly: "why?"

WeiLuo smiled and shook his head: "I want to look around and leave."

When he heard that WeiLuo was going to leave, fengxiao's face turned very ugly. He looked at WeiLuo coldly: "where else do you want to go?"

"Where I should go." I don't look down at Feng Xiao's angry look.

Feng Xiao immediately smiled: "also, where should you go, and what's the relationship with me? Tianchang you talk, I'm going to have a rest." Finish saying to leave directly, didn't see again didn't fall one eye.

He opened his mouth before falling, and swallowed again when he reached his mouth.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao mofeng's face in WeiLuo's head. She looks at WeiLuo in surprise: "Feng ER's father..."

Ningmengyao's words are not finished, but he is covered with his mouth and looks at ningmengyao almost imploringly. It seems that he hopes that she can keep the secret.

Stretching out his hand, Ning Mengyao looked at him and said, "we will have a lot of opportunities to get along with fengxiao in the future. They will always see each other." Even if they want to hide, as long as they see each other and see each other's face, they can't hide anything.

She said that Feng Xiao's face was so familiar. It turned out that it was 80% similar to Qiao mofeng.

"In any case, keep it from him."

Ning Mengyao looked at WeiLuo with great disapproval: "feng'er grew up with you. Before he followed us, he never enjoyed his father's love. You never told him. Now you know your own life is coming to an end. You just don't want to see him. Now you have deprived him of the right to let him know who his own father is. Don't you think Are you cruel? "

"Yao'er is right. We don't know what kind of problems exist between you and fengxiao, but you are really cruel to that child." Situ Xuan frowned and agreed with Ning Mengyao.

What's more, judging from Feng Xiao's behavior just now, he doesn't care about not falling, but there is a misunderstanding between the two people.

Not fall to see Ning Mengyao bitter smile: "I have my own bitterness."

Ning Mengyao smiled sarcastically at WeiLuo: "what's the pain? What you said is good. Because of your own difficulties, fengxiao is deprived of the right to know that she has children. Because of her own difficulties, you can let Fenger never know who her father is. In the end, you are selfish if you fail to do so. "

"I'm not." Did not fall to look at Ning Mengyao want to explain, but all the words to the mouth, and become so pale.

Ningmengyao glanced at him and said, "you love fengxiao very much. Fengxiao has no feelings for you. But because of your own life span, you are far away from fengxiao. You resist fengxiao's approach and even fengxiao's knowledge of Fenger's existence. At the same time, you are worried about fengxiao, so you will follow him and come to us at last. Am I right?"