Looking at Ning Mengyao in astonishment, it's obvious that he didn't expect Ning Mengyao to guess his mind so thoroughly.

"You said you were not selfish? If you had accepted fengxiao in the early years, Fenger would not have suffered like that, and he could enjoy at least ten years of parents' love, but what about you? Because of your self righteousness, how much did feng'er lose do you know? " Although Joe mofeng never said his father in front of them.

But from the way he often looked with that jade pendant, she knew that in fact, in Joe mofeng's heart, he was also looking forward to his own father.

Qiao Tianchang on one side said in good time: "feng'er is very happy when he gets along with me, even satisfied." He is just the adoptive father of feng'er. Feng'er is already like this. If feng'er follows his own father, will he be happier?

"Is that jade pendant you gave him from fengxiao? He often holds it and looks at it. He once said that it was his father's jade pendant. "

Ningmengyao and qiaotianchang's words, let not fall of the face turn pale, she never thought that feng'er even wanted a father like this.

"It's your own decision whether to say or not, or not to go to see feng'er. Whether to let feng'er have regrets all his life, or to let feng'er enjoy his parents' love in your last days. We are not you, and we can't help you choose anything. Let's talk about it. You can do it yourself." Ningmengyao looks at it and gets angry. She doesn't want to say anything. She takes Qiao Tianchang's hand and goes back to her room.

Situ Xuan looked at her: "don't just think for yourself, but also for your children. No matter how sensible he is, it's just a child. We've seen feng'er's child. He's smart and hard-working, but also lonely."

Every time they see that child playing with xiaoshanger, they feel sad.

Because only at that time, or when Qiao Tianchang accompanied him to play chess and taught him swordsmanship, he would be very excited to laugh, so that he would be like a real child.

Gradually, everyone in the room left, only one person was left. Thinking of Ning Mengyao's words, WeiLuo asked herself in her heart more than once whether she was really wrong.

At the beginning, shouldn't he leave with feng'er? Is it better for him to stay at fengxiao's side.

One by one, such questions are filled in the heart. For a while, she doesn't know how to choose. How can she tell fengxiao that she has only one year left? How can she tell fengxiao that he has a 11-year-old son.

Such a choice is also cruel for the future.

Ningmengyao sat on the bed frowning tightly: "Tianchang I really can't understand what she thinks."

If she is not lost, maybe there are sadness and pain, but at least when she is alive, she left a good memory for each other and also left a happy memory for her children. But she did not lose the choice. She hurt not only one person, but also three people and destroyed their happiness.

"Everyone's choice is different. It depends on how she chooses, but no matter how she chooses, it's natural that feng'er and Feng Xiao will meet." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and says.

Feng Xiao is going to follow them. He will definitely meet feng'er at that time. At that time, whether it's the nature of blood or their faces that are too similar, they can't really hide Feng Xiao for a long time.

Feng Xiao is not a fool, a child so similar to himself, he can't guess the problem.

"So you mean that it's inevitable for feng'er and Feng Xiao to recognize each other?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded, "yes, it's really inevitable. We just need to help feng'er come up with an idea at that time. It's nothing else to do with us."

They can't interfere with the unfinished choices, so they can't think too much, as long as they wake up maple when he is confused.