Ning Mengyao thought carefully, and thought that Qiao Tianchang was right, so she nodded and agreed: "that line, no matter how she likes it."

"Well, that's good."

The next morning, Qiao Tianchang and they saw fengxiao. Fengxiao's face was a little pale. After he went back last night, he took the antidote, but the pain of antidote made him want to die directly.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Feng Xiao's weak look: "you detoxified?"

Feng Xiao nodded: "yes, I don't want to have that kind of thing to stay in my body. It's very bad."

Joe Tianchang said, "go and have a good rest."

"No more."

When they came, situ Xuan took a complex look at Feng Xiao, and then said, "I haven't left yet, Yao'er, this is the letter she left for you."

Ningmengyao's eyelids jumped and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

After reading the letter in situ Xuan's hand, and then looking at Feng Xiao's gloomy face, she reached out and took the letter in her hand. The letter said that she and Qiao Tianchang could decide about feng'er, but they could not be together.

Ning Mengyao frowned at the letter in her hand and looked at fengxiao. "She's gone."

"Why? What did you say after I left yesterday? " Said Feng Xiao, gnashing his teeth.

The woman, who had been missing for so long, now dared to run again. She was just looking for a cigarette.

Ningmengyao thought about it, looked at fengxiao, and finally decided to tell fengxiao, "do you know that WeiLuo is a prophet?"

Feng Xiao was stunned, then nodded, "I know."

"The life span of the prophets is not very long, but the powerful people like WeiLuo, who can't live to be thirty-five years old, are thirty-four years old now."

Feng Xiao's face changed. He looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "you mean, because she knows she can't live long, she always resists me like that? And what did she say about people she liked? They were all lying to me? " Fengxiao still can't accept it.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "I think so."

"That damned woman." Feng Xiao's face is very that look.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and asks with her eyes if she wants to tell Feng Xiao feng'er about it.

After Qiao Tianchang nodded, Ning Mengyao coughed softly, looking at the angry face of the black phoenix Xiao: "then I have another thing to tell you."

"What is it?" At this time, fengxiao thought about how to get the damned woman back and tidy up. He didn't see the interaction between ningmengyao and his wife at all.

"That maple is your son. He looks like you."

Feng Xiao was stunned and looked up at Ning Mengyao. "What do you say?" Feng'er, he knows this man. He is the son who hasn't fallen. Now he keeps him beside Ning Mengyao and is named Qiao mofeng.

"Maple is your son." Ning Mengyao said again.

Fengxiao's face is not so simple now. The momentum of his body makes situ Xuan, the weakest one, step back. The stone table beside him can't bear the pressure and wants to break into small pieces.

No wonder, no wonder after the two were together, she suddenly disappeared. It was because of this, because she was pregnant, so she left. She actually lied to him, saying that the father of the child was dead. Is she cursing him to die?

The thought of fengxiao's face is like a pot bottom.

Ningmengyao looks at fengxiao and asks anxiously, "so what, are you ok?"

Feng Xiao bit his teeth and said, "what can I do? I'm fine."

Ningmengyao shrinks her neck. This man is really a little scary.

"I'll die if I don't go with that woman." Then he turned around and left.

When he came out of the yard, Ning Mengyao and other people also heard Feng Xiao tell them to dig the ground three feet and find out the people.

Ningmengyao shrugged and mourned for the future for a while.

"I hope it's not too bad to die before it's found." Ning Mengyao gloated.

She was relieved to throw the mess to them. Is it all right now? Did they sell it?

Thinking of Feng Xiao's dark face, Ning Mengyao couldn't help thinking about the end.