Joe mofeng really can't accept it now. When he was a child, in his mother's house, those people called him wild seed secretly, saying that his father didn't know who he was.

In a word, there are all kinds of things to say. At that time, he will go to his mother, where his father has gone, why not stay with them, and the answer that remains is that his father has passed away, or something else.

He said that twice and once, but if he said that all the time, he would think that his father really passed away. It seems that after he was five years old, he never asked about his father again.

But every time I see other children can play coquettish on my father, do you know that he is disappointed and lonely?

Now, she comes to tell herself that his father is still alive and well.

Joe mofeng said he really couldn't accept the fact.

"So? What do you think after you know the news? " Qiao Tianchang looks at Qiao mofeng and asks.

Most of the time, they get along with each other, more like a pair of friends than father and son.

Joe mofeng lowered his eyes. When he lifted them up, they were all serious: "Dad, I can't accept it. No matter what their reason is, I can't accept it." When he needed his father, the man didn't show up. Now he didn't need his father. He ran to his own face again. In this way, what was that?

Qiaotianchang helplessly looked at qiaomofeng: "Fenger, what you decided originally, Dad would not interfere, but some things are not as simple as you think, listen to them, maybe you will know more."

Jomo Feng was silent for a moment, shaking his head firmly: "Dad, I don't want to see them, not one of them."

"Then what do you want to do?" Joe mofeng's decision was expected by Joe Tianchang and unexpected.

"I want to go to Wutang."

Qiao Tianchang frowned and looked at Qiao mofeng: "do you have a clear idea? After entering the martial arts hall, if you want to come out, you have to pass all levels. "

"Well, I think so." Jomo Feng nodded.

"No regrets?"

"No, Dad actually, I know everything about my mother. I'm afraid it's because of that man that she came back to see me, isn't it?" Qiao Mo Feng said firmly, he looked at Qiao Tianchang and asked earnestly.

"You know?"

"Well, I know. They say my mother can't live to be thirty-five." Joe mofeng looks down, his face is calm, but it's just like him that makes Joe Tianchang worry.

"Fenger, she..."

"Dad, I know what you want to say, but I know what kind of person my mother is. Whether it's her business or my own father's business, she thinks it's up to me. She has never considered my feelings." After so many things, Joe mofeng is not the ignorant child.

"Since it's your decision, then I respect your decision and tell your mother when I go back." Qiao Tianchang wants to persuade, swallows it and looks at Qiao mofeng's stubborn appearance. Qiao Tianchang is helpless.

"Thank you, Dad."

"Let's go back."


After they went back, they went to find Ning Mengyao directly. When they heard that Qiao mofeng had chosen to go to Wutang at this time, she couldn't help frowning: "Fenger, have you decided?"

Qiao Mo Feng nodded earnestly: "Niang, I have thought clearly. I want to go to Wutang, and I can protect my younger brother, and my younger brother and sister who are not born."

"But your mother and their place..."

"Niang, I can't accept her self righteousness. She came back with you this time, not for me, but for that man. Am I right?" Qiao Mo Feng looks at Ning Mengyao calmly.

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao mofeng in dismay, as if he didn't expect that he should know these things.

"You know all about feng'er?"

"Well, I know that since I was separated from her and with my parents, I have been thinking about when she would come back to see me, even if I could accompany her to finish the last journey, but she didn't. in her mind, only that man is the most important."