"Feng'er, you misunderstood your mother." Ningmengyao didn't expect that Qiao mofeng misunderstood her. He misunderstood her to this point.

Qiao mofeng looked at Ning Mengyao's self mocking smile and said: "Mom, I didn't misunderstand her. When I was a child, my uncle's family called me wild seed, and all of them came to bully me. Mom knew all these things. But when I asked her where my dad was, she told me that my dad died. She would rather watch me being bullied by those people, rather watch those people scold me wild seed, than I want to tell you that my father is still alive. Even if she just told me that my father is alive, I would not be like this. "

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao mofeng's excited look and feels a little pain in her heart: "feng'er is OK. You have parents and younger brother."

"Niang, I want to go to Wutang, now, I don't want to see them." Qiao Mo Feng looked at Ning Mengyao and said earnestly.

Although Qiao mofeng's way of doing this is very wrong, but looking at the pain and injury in his eyes, Ning Mengyao sighed and nodded and agreed: "go to see the little monkey, I will let Qingxuan send you in, we will call you when we leave here."

Qiao Mo Feng smiled: "thank you mother."

He knew that they would agree with Ning Mengyao, because as long as it was a matter of their own choice, they would never interfere. This is not that they don't care about him, don't care about him, but they respect him.

"Well, go to find the little monkey. I can't see you. He should be noisy." Ning Mengyao said with a headache.


After Qiao Mo Feng went out, Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "I didn't expect that feng'er's heart was depressed so much."

"Yes." Qiao Tianchang didn't expect that Qiao mofeng was so extreme in his idea of dealing with this matter.

Qiao Mo Feng also did not know what to say with Qiao Mo Shang, he unexpectedly obediently did not make trouble.

One hour later, Ning Mengyao asked Qingxuan to send Qiao mofeng to the martial hall.

Before they knew it, Joe mofeng had entered the martial hall. If he wanted to come out, he had to wait until they left.

"Why do you do that, Mengyao?" Did not fall to see Ning Mengyao's face full of questions.

Ningmengyao did not lose a look: "Oh, why do you come to ask me? Before feng'er went in, he told me that when he was a child, you knew he was scolded and bullied by others, but you pretended not to know. Even when he asked you about his father, he told him that his father was dead. Now you appear in front of him with Feng Xiao, how do you let him accept it? "

The face that hasn't fallen is very pale because of Ning Mengyao's words. Looking at her like this, Ning Mengyao's red lips light: "feng'er says he doesn't want to see you."

"No, he won't." I can't accept this fact without shaking my head.

Ningmengyao did not lose a glance, but there was a thick helplessness in her eyes: "weiluofeng'er said that you have never considered his feelings. No matter in your own body or in fengxiao's affairs, you have not given him the respect he should have. He has the right to know, but you have all been deprived."

"You What do you mean? "

"Feng'er said that he knew you came back to see him, but for fengxiao. If it wasn't for fengxiao, you would not appear in front of him even if you left." Ningmengyao tells the story of Qiao mofeng to WeiLuo.

The body that didn't fall, uncontrollably back a step, she looks at Ning Mengyao stupidly: "how can he know?"

"There's no wall that can't keep out the wind. You think you're hiding it well, but he who doesn't know his mind is sensitive already knows it." Ningmengyao looked at it and said word by word.

When I was a child, feng'er's mind was already very sensitive. It was easy to detect a person's quality. So he had already known his attitude to him.

"Feng'er said that since seeing you and following us, he was guessing when you would come back to see him." Qiao Tianchang on the edge suddenly spoke.

Feng Xiao thought he could recognize his son after seeing him, but now he suddenly found out that he was naive.