Feng Xiao looked at them and worried, "but even if it is like this, he can't go to the martial arts hall when he is so young."

"It's his own choice. As long as it's maple's decision, we will give advice, but never interfere." Ning Mengyao looks at fengxiao and explains.

"Feng'er is a person with a strong sense of independence. We never need to worry about a lot of things. He has a strong self-control ability. He knows what he can do and what he can't do. In addition, he is very stubborn. The things he decides will not change in general." Qiao Tianchang looked at them and said.

They still don't believe it when they look at Ning Mengyao: "no, he won't, he's never been like this."

"It's not that he has never been like this, but that you never really know him, WeiLuo. Do you know what Fenger likes to eat? Do you know what Maple likes best? Do you know what Maple's wish is? " Ningmengyao asked several questions in a row, but none of them could answer.

Not falling to look at Ning Mengyao, she suddenly found that she really didn't know her son at all.

The expression is a bit trance, these years, she seems to be the most sorry person is this child.

"Can we meet the child? Even if it's just a look. " Feng Xiao looked at Ning Mengyao and said.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang, who is silent for a moment and then shakes his head: "his mood is not very stable, you go, he can definitely find out, and so on."

For their family, Qiao Tianchang has some helplessness, but it's not like Qiao mofeng is hurt, so he can only refuse their request.

Feng Xiao frowned and nodded, "OK, we know."

To tell the truth, fengxiao was dissatisfied with WeiLuo when he heard ningmengyao's words, especially when he heard that his son was scolded by others as a child, but WeiLuo knew that he told his father that he was dead when he asked.

How cruel is this to a child? Feng Xiao didn't know. He thought of his son's attitude towards them, and sighed in his heart. He didn't blame him for his attitude. If he wanted to blame them, he blamed themselves.

His face is full of tears, and he can't blame himself: "it's all my fault, everything is my fault, but fengxiao doesn't know. Mengyao, would you let Fenger come out? I told him, I told him everything. "

Ningmengyao looks at WeiLuo and shakes her head: "he won't come out. He knows the rules of Wutang. He has his own decision. In fact, you don't like Fenger at all. You only raise him because he is fengxiao's child."

"Nonsense, I didn't." She shook her head in a hurry. She had never thought of it like this.

Ning Mengyao chuckled, and her eyes were full of mockery: "do you know that you are pregnant? I think that's why you are separated? If you were not pregnant, would you leave fengxiao? I don't think so, do I? "

WeiLuo wants to explain, but in the face of Ning Mengyao's sharp eyes, she can't say anything, as if no matter what she says or explains, she will be completely penetrated by Ning Mengyao.

Feng Xiao looked at him and said, "is that what she said? You don't like maple? "

He looked at the child very well. He looked very similar to himself, and was well bred by Qiao Tianchang. But for the moment, this character is not pleasant.

"I think so, but watching him grow up and look more and more similar to you, that's what I think."

Ning Mengyao smiled: "emotional transfer? Why not stay? "

"I have my reasons." Did not fall to think, just said that one sentence.

Ningmengyao suddenly felt that WeiLuo was not so good.

"You have your reasons? Don't tell Feng Xiao feng'er that there are difficulties, and don't tell feng'er that his father is still alive. It's also that you have difficulties. What are you doing without pains? "