Joe Tianchang shook his head in disappointment: "in fact, you are still selfish."


"Tianchang, we don't need to tell her so much. Now I think it's better if Fenger doesn't see them. Fengxiao is sorry. I don't think it's necessary for Fenger to see such a mother." Ning Mengyao looks at Feng Xiao and says apologetically.

Feng Xiao looked at not fall, face is full of complexity, he can understand ningmengyao their mood, yes, such a mother, even if he does not want it?

There was some pale face before falling. Now it's even more pale. The eyes of Ning Mengyao are pleading, complicated, and some other emotions.

"Feng'er will trouble you to take care of it." Feng Xiao suddenly looked at them and said.

"You gave up?"

"No, one day, I will let feng'er accept me." In fengxiao's heart, Qiao mofeng is his son. Whether Qiao mofeng can accept him now or not, he will make efforts to let Qiao mofeng accept.

He did not look up at the man on the edge, suddenly understood his meaning, lowered his eyes, eyelids covered the emotions in his eyes, so that people can not see what she was thinking.

Joe Tianchang chuckled, "yes."

Feng'er is also a very negotiable person. As long as he is good to him, he will treat him with the same attitude.

Fengxiaohe left before the next day. No one knows where they went, but Qiao Tianchang knows that fengxiao will come back, and the time should not be too long.

After sending off the two fengxiao, Qiao Tianchang and they finally have time to deal with Xiao's affairs.

It turns out that during the period when they left, two-thirds of tongbaozhai's shops in Xiaoguo had fallen into Xiao Qifeng's hands, and he didn't know what kind of means he used. In such a case, he opened the shop.

Looking at Xiao Qifeng in front of him, Xiao Qitian's face was calm and indifferent: "what are you doing here?"

It seems that he hasn't been out for a long time, but now when he sees Xiao Qifeng standing here, he feels very uncomfortable.

Xiao Qifeng looked at his younger brother: "Qi Tian, I have something to tell you. It's very important."

"No, I don't want to know." The opening of Xiao Qi's world consciousness directly contradicts Xiao Qifeng's words.

The relationship between them has been like walking on thin ice, but now he is just like an innocent person, not only appearing in front of himself, but also talking to him in the way of a brother.

It's not a good feeling.

Now Xiao Qitian feels very relieved. At least he doesn't have to worry about being afraid. He just has to wait for the baby with his wife.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Xiao Qitian as if he hated iron but not steel. "Do you hate me so much?"

Xiao Qitian thought about it, then shook his head: "hate is not enough, but the brotherhood between us should be over."

"Qi Tian?" Xiao Qifeng looks at Xiao Qitian incredulously, unwilling to admit that he would say such a thing.

"I've already said that you have what you want, and I have what I want. We are not all the same people, so we can't work together in different ways." Xiao Qitian forces himself not to see Xiao Qifeng. He worries that if he continues to look at Xiao Qifeng, he will compromise again because of their feelings.

This time, Xiao Qifeng was not as angry as before. He just looked at Xiao Qitian calmly: "have you decided?"

Xiao Qitian thought about it, then nodded, "yes, I have decided."

Xiao Qifeng nodded, "I know." Finish saying turn around to leave, did not like before to Xiao Qitian pester endlessly.

After leaving Prince Qi's residence and returning to the palace, Xiao Qifeng coughed violently with his mouth covered. After a while, the coughing stopped gradually.

Looking at the dazzling red blood in the palm of his hand, Xiao Qifeng pressed his lips tightly, with a bitter smile on his face.

Since he doesn't want to, forget it, Xiao Guo Thinking of the state of Xiaoguo, the smile on xiaoqifeng's face disappeared and turned cold.

In any case, he must guard Xiao Guo, at least before he can find his successor.