Ningmengyao knows Muchen very well. Even if she says no today, she can't go. Muchen will sneak by herself to have a look. But this will make the trust between the two people and cause some cracks. It's better to agree with the general public.

After all, muxue won't have too much interaction with them in the future, and we need to be kind, right?

Several people talked about Xiao's affairs for a while, and then they left one after another.

"I thought you wouldn't agree." When there were only two people, Xiao Qitian smiled at Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao's eyes flickered slightly: "I don't promise to be useful?"

"No use." Qiao Tianchang shook his head decisively.

"Yes, since it's useless, what am I against?" Now life is probably the best for bathing in snow.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and shakes her head helplessly.

"Father and mother, brother." Here, Joe moshang walked in from the outside with short legs, hands and feet and climbed into Joe Tianchang's arms. He looked up at them with big eyes.

Every time Joe Tianchang is looked at by his son with such eyes, his heart will melt instantly, this time of course is no exception.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and hugged his son, kissed him on his tender little face: "didn't my brother tell you that he would go to practice martial arts, and couldn't accompany you for a long time? Did you forget? "

Jomo Shangs to slant small head to think, then nods: "remember, but I miss elder brother."

"When my brother and sister are born, my brother will come back." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's stomach and smiles.

Now Jomo was in a tangle. He looked at his father and his mother's bulging stomach. His little hand felt on it: "but when can my brother and sister come out?"

Qiao Tianchang looks at his son helplessly and finds that no matter what, his son will have all kinds of problems.

Ning Mengyao could not help laughing at the father and son like this: "my younger brother and younger sister are still young, and it will take several months to come out."

Qiao Mo Shang's little brow was frowning, and he looked at Ning Mengyao in a dazed way: "how long are these months?"

Ning Mengyao choked for a while. Just now, when she saw Qiao Tianchang's silence asked by her son, she was still happy. However, when such a situation happened to her, it was not happy, it was just holding back.

Qiao Tian thought about it and then said, "when Shanger grows up, they will come out."

What else did Qiao moshang want to say? Just after the mouth opened, Ning Mengyao quickly stuffed a snack into it: "eat something."

Small hand to take down the dessert, Qiao Mo sad flat mouth, looking at the innocent face of Ning Mengyao: "mother I am not hungry."

Ningmengyao is speechless. What she gives him is not because he is hungry, but because she doesn't want him to ask so many strange questions, OK?

"Don't you want to see my father's horse, shang'er? Do you want to go now? " Qiao Tianchang suddenly thought of it and hurriedly opened his mouth.

When it comes to Joe Tianchang's horse, Jomo Shang's eyes suddenly brighten: "I want to go."

With one hand holding ningmengyao and one hand holding Qiao moshang, the family of three headed for the horse farm. Qiao Tianchang and ningmengyao were relieved, and finally got rid of the annoying problems.

After arriving at the horse farm, Qiao Tianchang leads his horse out to show Qiao moshang, but it's not enough for him to see slowly. He holds Qiao Tianchang's neck and looks at the horse with bright eyes: "Dad, let's ride."

Qiao Tianchang's face turned dark, but when he saw his son's excited appearance, he could only nod his head and agree.

Holding her son on the back of the horse, she told Ning Mengyao not to get close to her side, so she rode the horse and took her son running slowly in the horse farm.

Qiao moshang is tightly protected by Qiao Tianchang. He's afraid of something missing. But this little thing doesn't cooperate at all. He's making a lot of noise on the horse. Qiao Tianchang can't control it.

"Shanger, be obedient. If you want to ride a horse in the future, be obedient."