Qiao Tianchang can't, can only threaten, give the multiple choice question, let Qiao moshang choose by himself.

Jomo Shang listens to it, and quickly leans on Joao Tianchang's arms. However, his eyes, which are rolling around, will know what a bad idea they are thinking.

Ning Mengyao looked at the interaction between the father and son, and couldn't help shaking her head and laughing. She went to the chair beside her and sat down. She watched Qiao Tianchang and her child jog in the horse farm. She didn't stop until Qiao moshang was coaxed to sleep on the horse back.

Qiao Tianchang, holding his son down from the horse's back, was helpless on his face: "how does this child like riding so much?" To come down, he also said that he didn't agree with anything. Just now that there was movement, his little face was wrinkled together.

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang's helpless face and couldn't help chuckling: "maybe it's inherited from you. Don't you also like riding?"

Qiao Tianchang's brow is light, but he doesn't like it much. He only has the most contact with horses since he entered the military camp. This habit has gradually come down, and he also has a loving attitude towards horses.

"Let's go back."


When the couple returned with Jomo Shang, Yufeng had been waiting there for a long time.

"You went to the horse farm? Why is it so long? "

Ningmengyao sat beside meiruolin and helplessly spread out her hands: "no way, the little monkey would not like to come down on the horse. If it were not sleeping, I'm afraid it's still on the horse farm at this time." Ning Mengyao said with some difficulty.

Meiruolin several people looked at Qiao Tianchang who went upstairs, suddenly burst out laughing: "he is really a competent father."

Ningmengyao laughingly shook her head. It was not a competent father, but a punished father.

"By the way, sister may, what's the matter with you waiting for us here?"

"Well, I just got the news that Nangong Yan left Xiao Luoyan's side. I don't know where he went. We guess he probably went to miaojiang."

Xiao Chengya and Bai Mo are still there. Nangong Yan doesn't look selfish to Xiao Chengya, so it's natural for them to have such a guess.

Ningmengyao frowned: "go to Miao? Oh, I don't know what face he has to see my mother. "

Now the relationship between Xiao and Bai Mo is very good. Xiao seems to want to accept Bai mo. in her eyes, Bai Mo and Xiao are a couple. How can she let Nangong Yan destroy their newly consolidated relationship.

"Doesn't Xiao Luoyan have any expression? Direct indulgence? " Ningmengyao is more curious about this.

Nangong Yan can now be said to be the chess pieces in Xiao Luoyan's hands. All his pieces have disappeared. What else does he care?

"How can I let it go? He has sent people to look for it, but Nangong Yan has not been in vain here these years. As long as he is not under control, it is very easy for him to avoid Xiao Luoyan's people. " Said Yu Feng, squinting.

For the man named Nangong Yan, he doesn't like him at all.

Ning Mengyao nodded clearly: "I know. I'll write a letter to them later and let them be careful."

However, what Ning Mengyao didn't know was that before she wrote a letter, Nangong Yan had appeared in front of the two men.

Nangong Yan looks at Xiao Chengya and Bai Mo, talking and laughing. When he sees him, his face is very cold, as if he is just a stranger passing by.

"When did ya'er have such a good relationship with him?" The tone of questioning made Xiao Chengya laugh uncontrollably.

Xiao Chengya looked at Nangong Yan who suddenly appeared in front of them. The expression in her eyes was so cold and sarcastic: "Nangong Yan, what identity do you use to question me? Who do I have a good relationship with? Do I need your consent? "

"You are my wife." Said Nangong Yan.

Wife? Xiao Chengya was shocked, and then laughed at herself: "we have been hired by three media or six times, or have we bowed to the hall? Nangong Yan, why am I in a coma for nearly 20 years? You know it in your heart. "