Nangong Yan's face became very pale because of xiaochengya's words. Seeing this, xiaochengya sneered: "Nangong Yan poisoned me, and then went to find an antidote to make me more behind your feelings, but you made a wrong calculation."

Nangong Yan looks at Xiao Chengya's totally different side and explains: "ya'er, I really love you, that's just..."

"But what? Is it just one of your tasks? When you were close to me and Bai Mo, it was with purpose, right? Later, white ink realized your intention. In order not to let white ink damage your things, you kept saying that white ink did something for me, but it was distorted by you, and let me step by step away from white ink. Am I right? " If it is not white ink, she will become what he did not dare to think.

Standing on the edge of the silent white ink, suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Xiao Chengya's hand, looked at her tenderly, and reached out to caress her body, which trembled slightly because of her excitement.

"Ya'er is OK. It's over."

Xiao Chengya shows a smile to white ink. After so many things, she knows who is really good to her and who is really dedicated to her.

Nangong Yan may have true love for her, but it is more to use.

At that time, she was too stupid, so she believed Nangong Yan's words and ignored the person who was really good to her.

Nangong Yan looks at the interaction between the two people and feels very bad: "ya'er, do you really want to give up our feelings? We have daughters. "

Nangong Yan doesn't say that Ning Mengyao is OK. As soon as he says that Ning Mengyao's face changes, his eyes are full of anger: "are you OK to say Yao er? If it wasn't for the intelligence of Yao'er's subordinates and feng'er's child, shang'er would have been arrested. At that time, he was so small, because you died in your hands with Yao'er's people for many years, and you still fought against Yao'er, even seriously injured Tian Chang at the end. "

These things are what she learned from other people's mouths in those days. As long as she thought that Ning Mengyao was pregnant with a child and that time was still like that, she would be extremely distressed.

Xiaochengya looked at nangongyan's pale face and suddenly sneered, "are you speechless? Nangong Yan, how can you mention Yao'er? What's the right to say that? "

Bai Mo stood aside and didn't disturb the two of them, but when he saw Nangong Yan, he even stimulated Xiao Chengya at this time, and his brow slightly wrinkled: "Nangong Yan, you had a chance to stop, but you didn't, not only didn't, but also made it worse, hurting ya'er and your daughter."

"Baimo, this is between me and ya'er. It has nothing to do with you." Being criticized by Xiao Chengya, Nangong Yan can bear it. But being criticized by Bai Mo, he is not comfortable. Why should he blame himself? I really think I'm somebody.

White ink shrugged, and when he saw Nangong Yan like this, he didn't say much.

"Mo's words are not wrong. Nangong Yan, go away. Don't be in front of me." As soon as she saw Nangong Yan, she could not help but think of the way he had done to Ning Mengyao.

Nangong Yan looks at Xiao Chengya and doesn't know what he's thinking. It's just the expression, and his face gradually changes.

"Ha ha, I knew that you and Bai Mo had been together for a long time. I was just a cover." Nangong Yan's words are very unpleasant. Xiao Chengya's face is white with his explicit words.

"You Nangong Yan, you bastard. " Xiao chenya couldn't accept the insult from Nangong Yan. She walked over and slapped him in the face.

"I, Xiao Chengya, haven't been so dirty. Nangong Yan, don't let me see you, or I will kill you. Let's go." Xiao doesn't want to continue talking with this man. If you let him go today, you should finish everything you have done.