Muchen frowned and looked at her sister: "who told you that?"

"It's Qi Tian's brother. He has asked me many times. He also said that I used to be a member of tongbaozhai. He said that I had a good relationship with the cabinet owner of tongbaozhai, but I don't know her at all. " Mu Xue said puzzledly, looking at Mu Chen at the same time: "brother, do you know?"

Muchen's eyes were cold, and her voice was cold. "I don't know. You just need to live your life now. Don't think too much about anything else."

"But brother..."

"Well, don't ask about tongbaozhai any more." Mu Chen interrupts Mu Xue's words and says in a strong voice.

Muxue lost something in her heart: "I know."

He reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. Muchen's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled. Xiao Qifeng's man was really in the extreme.

When we went back to Xiao Qitian's yard with situ Xuan, Mu Chen's face was not very good. Situ Xuan came to him worried: "are you OK in the morning?"

Muchen shook her head and said, "I'm ok. I just don't feel comfortable seeing Xueer like that." Although she didn't want to think that, according to Muchen's understanding of her sister, she would not ask such a question at all.

"Well, don't think so much. We came here to see their children. Don't make everyone unhappy."

Situ Xuan is persuading Mu Chen here, and Xiao Qitian is comforting Mu Xue who is hurt by Mu Chen's attitude.

"Qitian, I don't mean anything else. I'm just asking, why is brother angry?" Mu Xue said very sad.

Xiao Qifeng also felt uncomfortable. It seems that when he didn't know, Xiao Qifeng saw Mu Xue again and said something to her that he shouldn't have said.

"Xueer, elder brother said this to you for your own good. Listen, don't ask about these things, you know?" Xiao Qitian looked at Mu Xue and said.

"But the eldest brother said, I know them, and that I know when I ask him." Muxue frowned discontentedly and said.

Why can't I know those things? According to Xiao Qifeng, she was once one of the leaders of tongbaozhai.

Why can't she know about tongbaozhai? Does that have a share of its own?

Xiao Qitian could guess what she was thinking from her discontented appearance: "Xueer, we have enough life now. Don't pursue this matter, OK? Too much investigation is not good for you. "

Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qitian suspiciously: "do you know anything?"

Xiao Qitian looked at Mu Xue and said, "I don't know."

"You lie to me. When you lie, your eyes will constantly move. You can tell me exactly what's going on and why I forget so much." Bathe snow some reluctantly say.

Xiao Qitian frowned and looked at the unreasonable Mu Xue: "what if I know? What if I don't know? Since muxue has forgotten, why do you have to remember? " "I am one of the leaders of tongbaozhai. Why can't I know these things?" Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qitian unconvinced and says.

Xiao Qitian's face changed greatly. Looking at Mu Xue's eyes, he said sternly, "who told you these things?"

Mu Xue snorted: "you don't tell me, don't others tell me?"

Looking at Mu Xue, Xiao Qitian couldn't say how she felt. She didn't know anything before, but now she suddenly becomes like this. She seems to be very persistent in tongbaozhai.

"Mu Xue, I'll tell you one last time. It's not good for you to know these things. If you don't want to listen, you can ask Mu Chen about them, but I can't guarantee the consequences." Xiao Qitian looked at the snow and said coldly.

Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qitian and leaves after saying these words. She has some bad feelings in her heart. Since she came back, they have quarreled for the first time.

Thinking of Xiao Qitian, Mu Xue's eyes are confused. Shouldn't he really know that?

But But why? She just wants to know. It's really bad to forget a lot of things.