Mu Xue stayed in place for a long time, thinking of Xiao Qitian's words, clenched her lips and walked towards Mu Chen where they were.

Hand on the stomach, take the servant girl just to the door, and see what Muchen is talking to situ Xuan. When she sees her, she stops, as if she didn't hear her.

As a result, Mu Xue could not help frowning, then stretched out again, with a light smile on her face, went to Mu Chen's side and said with a smile, "what are you talking about, brother and sister-in-law? Can't you tell me? " Muxue looks at them curiously. The lovely look makes Muchen think of her sister.


The smile on Mu Xue's face is slightly stiff for a while, and then he looks at Mu Chen's face discontentedly: "brother, can't I listen to your little secret with your sister-in-law?"

Situ Xuan's eyes flashed a little unhappy, and then he said with a smile: "since it's all a small secret, of course, I can only tell it to your brother. If I tell you, it's not a secret. Are you right? Mu Xue? "

Mu Xue mumbles something in a low voice, but situ Xuan doesn't hear clearly: "brother, am I your sister?"

Muchen's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at muxue. He thought: "yes, what's the matter?"

"Since I'm your sister, why don't you tell me anything?" Muxue tooted her mouth and said discontentedly.

Muchen frowned and picked: "will you tell me the secret between you and Qi Tian?"

"No." Mu Xue opens his mouth subconsciously and then finds out what he said. His face changes.

"I don't mean that."

"Since you are not willing to tell others your own little secrets, why do you ask us to tell you our own secrets?" Mu Chen looks at Mu Xue and asks.

Mu Xue's expression is slightly stiff: "elder brother, I am nonsense."

"It's more serious to say something subconsciously, but Xueer, you're about to give birth now. Stay in your yard and don't run around." Muchen can't help but open her mouth and teach her a lesson.

Muxue is not happy: "I want to come to talk with you, brother. Why? I'm not welcome. "

Situ Xuan took a look at Mu Xue and said, "how can you be unwelcome? Your brother is just worried about you."

"I knew my brother would not be willing to treat me that way." Mu Xue laughed happily.

All afternoon, muxue didn't ask about tongbaozhai and ningmengyao, but what they were busy with recently, and the result made muxue very dissatisfied.

"Big brother and sister-in-law, would you like to have dinner together?" Xiao Qitian, who never showed up in the evening, walked into the yard and saw Mu Xue without any accident.

"Qitian, you are here." Mu Xue seems to forget the dispute between the two in the daytime. She goes to Xiao Qitian with a big stomach and a soft smile on her face.

This kind of bathing in snow really makes xiaoqitian unable to imagine that she would say that in the afternoon.

Xiao Qitian nodded: "in the afternoon, I went to the study to deal with some things. After I was busy, I asked people to prepare some food."

In the morning, they would not give Xiao Qitian face, nodded and walked over.

At the dinner table, Xiao Qitian whispers something to Mu Chen. Mu Xue wants to interrupt for several times, but she is taken by situ Xuan.

Mu Xue glared at situ Xuan discontentedly and whispered, "what are you doing, sister-in-law?"

"Well? It's OK. I just want to talk to you. " Situ Xuan looked at Mu Xue innocently with a little smile on her face.

When Mu Xue saw that situ Xuan was like this, she couldn't say anything. She had to eat the food in front of her, some of which tasted like Jue wax.

But situ Xuan laughed. Xiao Qitian and her husband were talking about Qiao Tianchang. They said to Mu Xue that they had a common friend. Mu Xue wanted to ask about this, but she stopped them.

After dinner, Xiao Qitian smiled on his face and regretted a little in the bottom of his eyes: "elder brother, when you see him, please say sorry for me."