Muchen's hands are around her chest, so she looks at muxue.

The look in the eyes is so empty of heart. What did you say you didn't do?

Reach out to pull the chair on the side to sit on it, looking at the opposite Mu Xue, the expression on the face is light.

"I'm not here to clean up the mess for you." Muchen opened her mouth directly, but her words were a little tender.

"What do you mean, brother?" Mu Xue subconsciously looks up at Mu Chen, but doesn't understand what he means.

"What do you mean? Is this time enough for tossing? What do you want to do with Xiao Qifeng? How can we still dislike that we are not sold thoroughly enough? " Mu Chen looks at Mu Xue coldly and asks.

Muxue's eyes flashed obvious panic. When she didn't face them, she could say anything.

But now they are in front of him, and he is very smart. She doesn't think that her own means can get into his eyes.

"Brother, I I'm not. "

"No? Not what? Didn't you take Xiao Qifeng to our yard? You didn't sell us? For what? So that we can get what we don't need? " Mu Chen looks at Mu Xue coldly with cold expression.

Mu Xue clenches her lips and is very sad by Mu Chen's accusation. She looks up at Mu Chen with obvious anger in her eyes.

"I know you have a good relationship with Ning Mengyao, but I'm your sister. Why do you want to help that woman but not me? I'm like this now. I forget a lot of things. Why do you treat me like that? " Mu Xue is also angry when they look at her with such accusatory eyes.

She clearly should have a lot of things, but just because of the things they don't need, they deprive their memory. Why?

"I have a part in tongbaozhai. I just want to get my own things back. What's wrong with that?" Mu Xue looked at Mu Chen and said naturally.

Muchen and situ Xuan were standing there, looking at her silently, without interrupting her.

"Have you finished?" When Mu Xue has enough vent, she finds that she didn't say anything, and then Mu Chen opens her mouth coldly.

Mu Xue is stunned. She is scared by Mu Chen's eyes.

"I I... "

"Muxue, although you forget those things, I still remember that without her, you are nothing now. Without her, we have no life. We can still have such a luxurious life as you are now? But you? How do you repay her? I don't expect you to be like me, but at least don't betray me. " Muchen's requirement for Muchen is really low. Before erasing her memory, Muchen once talked to Muchen, but the effect is not so good.

"I don't believe that everything today is mine. Why should I thank her?" Yes, what they said must be false, just to make themselves feel guilty and unhappy.

Seeing such a bathing snow, situ Xuan couldn't help shaking her head.

"When you were 13 years old, you had smallpox. At that time, you almost died of illness. She was only 11 years old. She went to find grandpa hei and knelt in the snow for a whole day before she got grandpa Hei's consent. Therefore, she saved your life. But she lay on the bed for ten days before she got better. Her body still fell ill. If it wasn't for Grandpa Hei to take care of her later She may lose her qualification as a mother. " Situ Xuan looks at what happened to Mu Xue.

God knows at that time, when they look at Ning Mengyao with white face and black grandfather, what is their expression.

After learning that Grandpa Hei gave muxue treatment, she fainted. She had a high fever for three days, and then gradually dropped the fever. But since then, her body has also been damaged. In winter, her body will feel sharp pain.

In those years, as long as it was winter, she basically stayed in the house. Only in this way can she make herself not so painful. But what she paid for was this now?