Muchen looked at Mu Xue, who was stunned by situ Xuan's words, and thought about that time, that skinny little boy really found his strange black grandfather back, and had a chance for his sister to live.

"The next year, because of your own playfulness and being taken away by others, we all went out that time. Mengyao, who had just practised martial arts, took a few martial arts people in her family to rescue you. For this reason, she paid the price of three broken ribs and many bruises on her body. In order not to let you worry about guilt, she went to another hospital. Let us tell you , she has something urgent to deal with, so she left in a hurry. " Muchen said in a hoarse voice.

There are many such things.

At that time, Mu Xue was a bit arrogant, and it was easy to offend people when she did things, but she just thought that she would never have anything with them, so she always made troubles.

Ningmengyao, the youngest of them, is the one who cleans up the mess for her every time.

Mu Xue kept shaking her head and didn't believe what they said.

"I don't believe what you say. What you say is false." Dusk snow covered his ears, unwilling to listen to them.

This, how could this be?

Situ Xuan smiled coldly. It's really her style to escape from reality.

"Believe it or not, it's your own business, but I always remember her efforts. These things you do are good for yourself and bad for yourself. That's the ungrateful white eyed wolf." Mu Chen looks at Mu Xue and says word by word.

"Let's go in the morning." Situ Xuan sighed. She thought that Mu Xue could not listen to what they said. In that case, there was nothing to say.

Muchen nodded and left with situ Xuan.

Looking at the back of their leaving, I want to ask them to stay, but I have no qualification, so I can only let them leave.

Only mu Xue was left in the room. The quiet environment made Mu Xue think of what they said. There was a bit of confusion in her eyes. Was she really wrong?

Are all they saying true? But... But why don't you remember?

Hand out to cover oneself chest, how is this acerbity acerbity acerbity feeling to return a responsibility?

Xiao Qitian stood at the door, looking at Mu Xue, who was dazed in bed, shaking his head in disappointment.

He also heard what he said just now, but he felt really like it, very similar to him and Tianchang.

Tianchang also saved their lives for many times, but what they got was their back. They were right in Muchen. They said it for their own good. In fact, they were all ungrateful white eyed wolves.

Muchen's mood was still a little excited. He tightly pressed his lips and looked coldly at the front, while situ Xuan on the side looked at him worried.

"Are you OK in the morning?"

"I'm ok. I just think Yao'er concealed these things, but it's not a good thing." They all know these things, but mu Xue, the client, doesn't know anything about them. It seems that they are all other people's affairs and have nothing to do with her.

Situ Xuan looks at Muchen helplessly, and feels uncomfortable.

The child who has been loved by them has done a lot for them. Whether it's muxue or them, what Ning Mengyao has done for them in private is really out of books.

"Well, don't think about it. I've got the news. They'll arrive tomorrow. Pack up and leave the day after tomorrow." Muchen took a deep breath, put aside the heavy feeling in her heart, and looked at situ Xuan and said.

Situ Xuan said, "well, she doesn't want to stay here any longer. She doesn't know what she will do when she looks at the snow bathing like this.

Xiao Qifeng's mood is not very good these days. He didn't get what he wanted. They didn't get any news from Muchen. Everything seems to be in a stalemate.

Suddenly Xiao Qifeng kept coughing.

As before, still stained with a hand of blood, tight lips, Xiao Qifeng's eyes are not eager, but become helpless.

It seems that he did something wrong, but now, how can he have a chance to return?