The horse was aching and neighing. His hooves were raised high, and then he ran hard.

Xiao Qifeng looks at the two men in Muchen. With a wave of his hand, the people beside him pull the bow and shoot arrows. Obviously, he wants to keep them.

Muchen two people look at the arrow that flies toward oneself, the expression on the face does not change, the action in the hand changes however quickly.

Mu Xue looks at this scene anxiously and wants to talk, but when she sees Xiao Qifeng like that, she doesn't dare to disturb her.

When Xiao Qitian got the news, when he came here, he saw Mu Xue riding beside Xiao Qifeng. In the morning, they galloped their horses and had to deal with the arrow rain.

His face changed greatly. Xiao Qitian took out his own long sword and flew to Muchen's side to help them leave together.

"I'll take care of it for you. You two are looking for a chance to leave." Xiao Qitian turned his head and looked at the two people who were more or less in the lottery. He quickly said.

"Qi Tian doesn't care about you." Said Muchen as she dealt with it.

Xiao Qitian chuckled and shook his head.

Mu Xue sees that Xiao Qitian has also come, and she is very worried. Isn't he stopped? Why is it here?

If muxue had not worried before, now muxue is afraid.

From Xiao Qitian's appearance to now, he has never seen himself.

Xiao Qifeng looks at Xiao Qitian who is following them in Muchen. His eyes gradually turn cold.

"Qi Tian left there."


No matter how angry Xiao Qifeng is, it just doesn't help. His brother is stubborn, which makes him feel headache.

With the help of Xiao Qitian, Muchen and situ Xuan finally find a chance to leave.

Mu Chen pulls situ Xuan, who fell on the ground for dodging, to his horse, and they ride away.

"Take care."

Xiao Qifeng's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the couple of Muchen who escaped from the enclosure. They took the bow and arrow in the hands of the people around them, pulled the bow and arched, and three arrows were fired together.

Hearing the wind behind her, Muchen was too late to hide.

When he was ready to take the arrow, he heard a voice coming from behind.

Mu Chen subconsciously turns his head and sees Xiao Qitian's arrow. He looks at them with a smile.

"Let's go." Looking at the Muchen people who want to stop, Xiao Qitian asks them to leave. If it goes on like this, he can't stop these people.


"Go quickly, help me to tell Tianchang, I'm sorry, and if there is another life, I hope to be a brother with him." Xiao Qitian looked at Muchen and said, because he was too anxious, he frowned when he pulled the wound.

Xiao Qifeng watched his arrow hurt Xiao Qitian. He threw away the arrow and used his internal power to come to Xiao Qitian's side.

He reached out to help him, but Xiao Qitian evaded.

Reaching out to wipe the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth, Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng in front of him and said, "let them go."

"Let's go back to treatment." In spite of Xiao Qitian's resistance, Xiao Qifeng helps people use their internal power to return to the palace quickly.

The people in the field, and a face full of panic, and this person is bathed in snow.

In order to save Muchen and their injuries, Muchen was completely stupid. She didn't expect that he would stop in such a situation.

Seeing Xiao Qitian's pale face and blood stains on his body, he was completely flustered by the snow.

Flustered riding to the palace, she knew that this time, she may be really will Xiao Qitian annoyed.

The hearts of Muchen and situshuan who left were very complicated, especially Muchen.

"Brother Qitian will be OK." Situ Xuan said difficultly.

Muchen took a deep breath and nodded. We went back immediately and asked grandpa black to show him.

That arrow has pierced Xiao Qitian's chest. I don't know if those quacks in the palace really have a way.

"OK, let's go."

On the way, Xiao Qitian had already fainted. Xiao Qifeng hurried back to the palace with Xiao Qitian in his arms, and called all the people in the hospital.

The doctor examined the wound for Xiao Qitian, but he didn't dare to do it.