Xiao Qifeng looked at their hesitant appearance, and immediately became angry: "is there any way in the end, you can quickly say."

"Emperor This... This, the injury on the Lord's body almost pierced his heart. If you want to pull out the arrow, you will probably hurt the Lord's body. This... " They are afraid to take the risk.

Xiao Qifeng looked coldly at the royal doctor who knelt all over the place.

"I'll only give you one day. If you can't find a way, don't blame me for being rude. King Qi died. You died." Xiao Qifeng said bloodthirsty.

If he knew that Xiao Qitian would jump on it directly, he would not do that, but now it's too late to regret. Looking at Xiao Qitian in bed, Xiao Qifeng shook his head helplessly.

Qi Tian, when can I think about it for myself? I even use this method to resist myself.

He reached out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. He didn't expect to hurt his beloved brother in the end.


When Mu Xue came, Xiao Qitian's blood was still on. Looking at the bed that had been dyed red, Mu Xue turned pale.

"He How is he? "

Xiao Qifeng looks at Mu Xue and frowns slightly. Now he doesn't like this woman.

"It's not good. I can't pull it out." This time is not to say this time, Xiao Qifeng light mouth said.

Mu Xue's face changed. She sat by the bed and looked at Xiao Qitian.

"Why is it like this?" Why is Qi Tian injured in the end? And the two who should have stayed, but left unharmed.

At this moment, muxue has regrets and guilt in her heart. She knew that she should have let Xiao Qitian sleep, so that nothing would happen.

But now it's too late to regret.

Xiao Qifeng looks at Mu Xue and frowns slightly. To be honest, he really dislikes this woman more and more.

He didn't expect the woman to change so fast after losing her memory.

Xiao Qitian squints at Mu Xue and looks gloomy.

"Go back and take care of the children." Xiao Qifeng didn't want to see Mu Xue, so he started to drive people.

"But But I want to stay. "

"I'll let you go back. The child is so young." Qi Tian likes that child very much. He knows it.

What else does Mu Xue want to say? Just under Xiao Qifeng's expression that can't be refused, she swallowed all her words back.

"I see."

"Take good care of the child. If the child has a little slip, I will let you know the consequences in the snow bath." He doesn't want to see what's wrong with the child when Qi Tian gets better.

"I see." It's a bad feeling to bathe in the threatened snow.

Before Xiao Qifeng was not like this, why did it suddenly change?

Is it because I lost my back? That's why he did this to himself?

He left the palace and went back to the palace.

"Where is Xueer Qitian? He said to find you, why didn't he come back with you? " Looking at the way Mu Xue looked, uncle Mu asked strangely.

Mu Xue opens her mouth. She really has no courage. She tells them what she did to Mu Chen.

If it's said, Mu Xue believes that they will leave angrily. Besides, Xiao Qitian is still in a coma.

"Uncle He, he goes to the palace, I go Go and see the children. " Finish saying also not wait for two people to have any reaction, leave in a hurry.

Seeing her back, which is equivalent to running away, uncle Mu's family faintly noticed something wrong.

"Xueer is not right."

"Well, I don't know what happened to them in the morning."

The morning in their mouth, at the moment, is leaving with situ Xuan. On the way, they have written a letter of credit. The eagle sent the letter back.

In half of tongbaozhai, pigeons are mostly used for delivering letters, but if there is an emergency, you can exchange them for hawks, which will speed up a lot.

In the afternoon of that day, Ning Mengyao got the news sent back by Muchen.

After reading it, Ning Mengyao's face changed.

"Qingshuang, call grandpa black for me, and say I have something urgent."

"What happened?" After Qingshuang left, Qiao Tianchang looked at ningmengyao's expression for a moment and asked doubtfully.

"Something happened to Xiao Qitian."