They hurriedly got up from the ground, checked and discussed ways.

Seeing them like this, Xiao Qifeng couldn't help being upset. Then he thought of the child in the prince Qi's mansion.

Maybe we can bring the baby here.

Thinking of this, Xiao Qifeng left the dormitory and went to the prince Qi's mansion. In the past, Mu Xue was tired, obviously these days were not good.

"Brother Huang, how is Qitian? Is he OK? " Seeing Xiao Qifeng appear, Mu Xue hurriedly stands up and walks to him and asks anxiously.

Xiao Qifeng took a look at Mu Xue. Instead of answering her words, he looked around.

"And the child?"

"Son Children... It's with the nanny. " Muxue said in a low voice, a little guilty in her heart. After all, she threw the baby to the nanny after she came back, and even said directly, don't bother her.

Xiao Qifeng's eyes were cold, and she looked at Mu Xue coldly. This woman even treated Qi Tian's children like this.

"Bring the baby here."

"Yes." Muxue hurriedly left, holding a crying child in her hand when she came back. It was strange to see that she didn't hold the child at all.

At a glance, Xiao Qifeng's face was cold.

"How long have you not seen a child?"

"I I... "

"Enough, call in the nanny." Now Xiao Qifeng doesn't have the time to say this to Mu Xue. It's just a cold order.

The people below rushed to call the nanny.

"You have been taking care of the son of the world for a long time?" Xiao Qifeng squints at the nanny who is about 30 years old.

"Maidservant see the emperor."

"Speak." Xiao Qifeng said impatiently.


"Come to the palace with my son's things." Xiao Qifeng spoke directly.

"Yes." The nurse was stunned and hurriedly opened her mouth.

After muxue and other nannies left, she went to Xiao Qifeng, who was holding the baby, and looked at him begging.

"Brother Huang, can you let me go with you? I... I want to see Qi Tian. " Because of her own reasons, Xiao Qitian's life and death are unknown now. This kind of torture makes Mu Xue almost mad. If she goes on like this, she will really collapse if she can't see Xiao Qitian again.

Xiao Qifeng frowned and didn't want to let Mu Xue go. He just thought that she was Qi Tian's wife no matter what, and finally nodded.

Bathe Snow's face to take obvious surprise, hurriedly turns around to tidy up.

After the child arrived in Xiao Qifeng's arms, he did not stop crying for a long time. Instead, he opened a pair of black eyes and looked at Xiao Qifeng.

The soft look made Xiao Qifeng couldn't help laughing.

Soon they had cleaned up. Seeing Xiao Qifeng's closeness to her son, Mu Xue blinked a little. Something seemed to flash in her eyes, but soon disappeared.

The smile on Xiao Qifeng's face disappeared when they came over. She gave a cold look at Mu Xue and saw the light in her eyes. The corner of her mouth raised an ironic smile.

Xiao Qifeng left first with him in his arms. They followed him in the snow. They were afraid that Xiao Qifeng would leave her.

When I arrived at the palace, I saw Xiao Qitian's face was pale and silent. The steps of bathing in snow suddenly became difficult.

She originally wanted to take care of Xiao Qifeng, but seeing him like this, Mu Xue was suddenly afraid. Could she really help if she stayed?

As long as you see what he looks like now, Mu Xue can't help but think that she has indirectly harmed people like this.

"See the emperor." Busy doctors saw Xiao Qifeng holding a child and kneeling on the ground.

Xiao Qifeng looked at them coldly, looked down at the child in his arms, and found that he was sleeping sweet, and the cold on his face was finally less.

Sitting by the bed, the child lies beside Xiao Qitian.

"Qi Tian, don't you like this kid best? He's here now. Open your eyes and see him. "