These days, Xiao Qitian never woke up. Not only did he not wake up, but his breath was gradually weak. He could not even feed the medicine. Now, he is basically fed by irrigation.

Listening to Xiao Qifeng's words, the people on the side were afraid of quarreling with the little son who was sleeping in bed.

Mu Xue stood at the door for a long time, and then made up her mind to come. But when she saw Xiao Qi's arrow outside the quilt, she could not help but cover her mouth.

Since that day, she saw Xiao Qitian for the first time, but did not expect that for such a long time, she still looked like this.

But the different place, I'm afraid that arrow was cut off by them.

Xiao Qifeng took a look at Mu Xue, and his eyes were disgusted.

"Try to find a way quickly. Don't let me have a chance to do it." Xiao Qifeng's voice was cold and cruel.

As soon as they heard Xiao Qifeng's words, they immediately understood what he meant. They began to be busy in a hurry. If they continued like this, they would die.

After more than an hour, the child suddenly cried loudly, and the people subconsciously turned to look at the past. They were afraid that the emperor would do something to the little son of the world, which made them fall short of their glasses. Xiao Qifeng even picked up the child.

"To the nanny." Xiao Qifeng hands the child to Mu Xue.

Mu Xue did not dare to contradict. She hurriedly reached out and went out with the child in her arms, but she was suffering. Did he want to say that he didn't believe her at all? So would you rather give the baby to the nanny than to her?

I don't know about this snow bathing. I didn't enter the house after I gave the baby to the nanny, but I stood outside and looked at the flowers in a trance.

These days, her guilt drives her crazy. Just now when she saw Xiao Qitian like that, her guilt broke out again, and she put out her hand to cover her face.

This time, Mu Xue really had a feeling for mu Chen's words. All this happened because of her.

Yes, they are all right. This is my brother's own life. What's the reason for her to interfere?

When they knew this, they left Xiaoguo angrily. When they left, they didn't even pay attention to her and didn't say a word to her.

If it wasn't for Xiao Qitian to block the three arrows, the last one to die would probably be his brother.

Two uncles are probably because of angry so they don't care about themselves.

"Are you all right, princess?" Mu Xue's dowry servant girl looks at her very worried.

For these things that Mu Xue did, they are also very disagreeable, even some disgusted. We can see that Mu Xue looks like this, and feel some heartache.

"Spring Bud Qi Tian will be OK, right?" Mu Xue looks at the servant girl on the edge, with a prayer in her eyes.

If this time, Xiao Qi innocent accident, she really don't know how to do.

"Princess, this..." Spring Bud some helpless, do not know how to answer Mu Xue's words.

Spring Bud's hesitation makes Mu Xue's face more pale. She takes a step back and reaches out to cover her eyes and cries.

She regretted that he didn't want those things, as long as he could get better, as long as he could get better, he would get better, no matter what she said, she would listen.

This time, Mu Xue was really scared. She couldn't see Xiao Qitian and feel his doting and warmth every day. Mu Xue found that her world seemed to have completely collapsed and she didn't even know how to live.

As time went by, every doctor in the room kept busy. With the passage of time, the sweat on their faces kept falling. Everyone knew that if they continued like this, they would really bury Prince Qi.

Xiao Qifeng's face is also more tense because of the passage of time. He can feel that Xiao Qitian's breath is much weaker. If he goes on like this, he will die.

Two days passed quickly. In the morning after two days, Xiao Qifeng walked to the dormitory step by step and looked at the dispirited royal doctor inside.

"Two days have passed..."

"Hoo, I'm finally catching up."