Xiao Qifeng looks at Qiao Tianchang and pushes away his hand.

"Come with me." Qiao Tianchang looks at each other and follows him to the imperial study.

After arriving there, Xiao Qifeng's hand fumbled for a while on the bookshelf, then took out one thing.

"That's what those people are supposed to do."

Qiao Tianchang opened the box doubtfully. It contained a box. When he opened the box, there was something that ningmengyao was familiar with. He took things there, too, but it was much bigger than that.

It turned out to be a mine, with a flash of horror in its eyes.

"How could you have this?"

"What they want is not this, but the following. You can see it." Xiao Qifeng didn't answer Ning Mengyao's words, but looked at the box and said in a dark and complicated way.

Ningmengyao quickly took the box and took out the mines inside. At the point of the box, she found a piece of yellow paper.

Looking at this old paper, Ning Mengyao's expression is very complex, which is actually the production method of mines.

Looking at this, Ning Mengyao once again doubted who the founding princess was, or what her real identity in modern times was.

"Since you have this in your hand, you can exchange them for antidotes. You can copy one for them." Ning Mengyao looks up at Xiao Qifeng and says.

"I have ancestral teachings of the Xiao family. Unless it is necessary, such things cannot be seen. If the ambition of the Xiao family causes death, then the hidden part of the power can go to the Qing emperor's side." Xiao Qifeng shook his head and told them the ancestral training of the state of Xiao.

It's even more strange for ningmengyao. If it's Zuxun, why is it only aimed at them, but the Xiao family on the West Coast doesn't have such Zuxun? Not only no, they still think about these things.

"The Xiao family on the West Coast..."

"I'm sure that the Xiao family on the west coast is not a princess, because she decided this ancestral training." It lasted for hundreds of years.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qifeng in amazement. After so long, the Xiao family on the west coast is not the descendant of the long princess? But if so, why do they call themselves so?

Ning Mengyao found that things seem to be more and more ambiguous now. She always feels that some things have to go to the west coast to find out. She even thinks that there may be something about their journey through the strange world, and the true feelings of the two eldest princesses.

"And the hands behind?"

"They left." Xiao Qifeng spoke directly.

"Well? Leave? Why? " If they don't get what they want, will they leave? It's impossible, isn't it?

"Three months ago, they left in a hurry without knowing what was going on." At that time, the things in Miao area were about to be exposed to them, but they let go of the things that were easy to get, which showed that the things over there were very important to them.

"So it is. What are your plans now?"

"Clean up the rest of Xiao's mess and give it to Qi Tian." He has only three months, and all he can do is this. Xiao Qifeng looks down and thinks indifferently.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qifeng displeased. How can it feel like he's explaining the future.

"I don't think those people will give up."

It can be seen from Xiao Qifeng's mouth that those people are determined to get these things. How can they stop when they don't get them.

Although those people have left, I'm afraid they will make a comeback soon. What should we do then?

"I understand what you said, so what I want to do now is to make Xiao more powerful." Only a little stronger can those people not humiliate them.

His present appearance is a profound lesson. He doesn't want Xiao Qitian to follow the same path as him.