Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qifeng as he is now. He can't say what he blames. Even the anger in his heart is reduced a lot because of his appearance.

"What are you going to say to Qi Tian?" Qiao Tianchang looked at Xiao Qifeng and asked in a cold voice.

What's the relationship between Xiao Qitian and Xiao Qifeng? Qiao Tianchang knows it clearly. When Xiao Qitian knows what Xiao Qifeng did before, it's to protect their lives. He will be crazy.

"I'll tell him when he's healed." If he can, he really does not want to say, but these things, he also has the right to know, he can not be so selfish.

Ningmengyao stands by and looks at xiaoqifeng, and finds that he and WeiLuo have the same fate. Although he is extreme in the means of dealing with things, he is different from WeiLuo. Xiaoqifeng will not be like WeiLuo. He selfishly lets others have no right to know things.

Although he said it was a little late, he also had his own reasons. He just wanted to protect what he thought should be protected.

"In this case, you want to know how to say it. Suddenly you know that your closest brother has only two or three months' life span, which is a blow to everyone." Ning Mengyao sighed at Xiao Qifeng and said.

Of course, Xiao Qifeng understands this truth, so these days, looking at Xiao Qitian's injury is getting better, he doesn't know how to face Xiao Qitian.

"I know, Tianchang..."

"Don't worry, we will not leave until all things are settled." Qiao Tianchang took Xiao Qifeng's words, feeling a little depressed.

Xiao Qifeng suddenly smiled and was very happy.

"Then I'm relieved." Xiao Qifeng looks at Qiao Tianchang, and his eyes are full of trust, as if they are back to the past, back to the time when they have no misunderstanding.

Compared with Xiao Qifeng's reassurance, Qiao Tianchang's mood is a little depressed.

"Tianchang people have their own lives. You don't have to worry."

"Each man has his own life? Are you trying to say you deserve it? " Qiao Tianchang glared at Xiao Qifeng with a cold face.

Xiao Qifeng shut his mouth and stopped talking.

Yufeng, who has not spoken, has a complicated look.

"How do you explain their affairs?"

"I didn't intend to hurt them. My three arrows missed, and they would only rub on his arm, and their horses would suffer some injuries." Xiao Qifeng didn't hide either, he said directly.

Whether it's Yufeng or Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife, they are totally stunned.

How could that be? But Xiao Qitian is down to earth.

"It's just that I didn't expect Qi Tian to run out at that time, but later hurt himself to this extent. If you didn't let the black doctor come, he would be dead." Xiao Qifeng said with a wry smile, with a helpless expression.

For a time, the Royal book room fell into silence, and finally Xiao Qifeng broke the silence.

"Here you are." Xiao Qifeng hands the mine in the box to Ning Mengyao along with the production method.

"Why give it to me?" Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Qifeng in a dazed way, and asks why he doesn't know.

"This is the safest thing in your hands." Xiao Qifeng looked at the box in Ning Mengyao's hand and said with a smile.

Ningmengyao looks at the box silently. It's really safe in their hands, but it also brings them a lot of unnecessary troubles. It's a very uneconomical business for ningmengyao.

"Mengyao you also flow half of the blood of the Xiao family. You will not resist the sense of mission of the Xiao family." Even knowing that these things are in her hands will bring her endless troubles.

Ningmengyao took a look at Xiao Qifeng and had to say that he saw things very clearly.

As he said, no matter how angry you are or how dissatisfied you are with this thing, it is a fact that this thing has come into her hands.

With a sigh, I put away the things and saw Xiao Qifeng laughing.

"Thank you, Mengyao."

"I just want to reassure Tianchang." Ning Mengyao snorted and said.

Xiao Qifeng laughed, and just about to say something, Nanzhuang hurried in.

"Emperor, the Lord is awake."