When Xiao Qifeng heard this, he hurried out. In the middle of the walk, he thought of several people in his study.

"I'm going to see Qi Tian, you..."

"Let's go together." Let Qiao Tianchang stay here, he can't stay for sure. In this case, it's better to have a look together to see how Xiao Qitian's body is. I hope there's no big problem.

Xiao Qifeng nodded, and several people walked towards the palace where Xiao Qitian was.

Xiao Qitian looks at the weeping muxue on the edge, and can't help but be upset.

"Princess, the prince just woke up. Don't do that." Chunya looks at muxue like that and looks at xiaoqitian frowning. She knows that it must be Wang feinoisy's Prince who is suffering.

Mu Xue wiped her tears and looked at Xiao Qitian, a little choked.

"Qi Tian, I thought I thought you would leave me alone. I know it's wrong. Would you forgive me? " Muxue cried.

These days of fear, so that she did not want anything, she just wanted to keep Xiao Qitian to live.

When Xiao Qifeng came in, they saw muxue pulling Xiao Qitian, who had just woken up, crying and frowning.

"Take Princess Qi out. The prince needs a rest." Can not refuse the tone, let Mu snow some not willing.

"I won't go."

"Drag it out." At this time, Xiao Qifeng doesn't have so much patience to talk to her. He just wants to have a good look at Xiao Qitian now.

Looking at Xiao Qifeng, Xiao Qitian is puzzled. What's wrong with him? I feel like I've lost a lot of weight.

"Go out first. I have something to tell brother Huang." Xiao Qitian, looking at Mu Xue with pain, said.

"But..." She really doesn't want to go out, and is there anything she can't know?

Although in the heart is constantly muttering, but for Xiao Qitian's words, Mu Xue still listened.

Looking at Xiao Qitian, Mu Xue stands up and goes out.

When I got to the door, I saw two men and one woman. Her eyes were on the woman. Her stomach was already big. When I saw her, I turned around like a stranger, even without any etiquette.

The brow is slightly wrinkled. I don't like this woman.

Xiao Qitian wants to sit up with his body on his back, but he is stopped by Xiao Qifeng.

"What are you doing? Just give orders to the following people. " Xiao Qifeng looked at Xiao Qitian displeased and was very dissatisfied with his self abuse.

Xiao Qitian is totally stupid. What's the matter? Why do you wake up in a coma for a few days and feel like everything has changed?


"Qitian, are you ok?" Joe walked quickly and frowned at his pale face.

Seeing Qiao Tianchang, Xiao Qitian is stunned again. He looks a little surprised. Why is this man here?

"Tianchang? Why are you here? "

"These things are going on, how do you feel?" In this way, I'm afraid Xiao Qifeng's plan will be disrupted.

"I'm fine." Apart from some weakness, it's really nothing.

Qiao Tianchang looked at him like this, and thought flashed in his eyes.

"Why are you here, Mengyao?" Seeing Ning Mengyao with a big stomach beside her, Xiao Qitian was a little frightened. She had such a big stomach. How could she come here.

"The child is good." Ningmengyao gives such an explanation which is not an explanation.

Watching Xiao Qitian throw away the problem, Xiao Qifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Standing on the edge and watching them chatting, I didn't participate in it for a long time, and felt the pain from my body.

"You talk, I have some other things to deal with." Xiao Qifeng suffered a lot and tried to look normal.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qifeng worried where Xiao Qitian can't see.

The latter didn't speak, just smiled, then left quickly.

Looking at Xiao Qifeng's back, Xiao Qitian always feels strange.

"Tianchang, do you think he is strange?" Xiao Qitian asked with some uncertainty.

Qiao Tianchang didn't speak, just looked at Xiao Qitian, the eyes, let Xiao Qitian some stunned.