Although he did all these things for their good, but he also knew what he did, pushed them to the farthest place, and personally drew an insurmountable gap between them.

"Why didn't you say that earlier?" Would he be ok if he had been earlier?

Would they not have misunderstood him to this point?

"I can't say."

"You It's still so annoying. " Such a character is really disliked.

They talked about a lot of things in the Royal book room. Xiao Qitian and Ning Mengyao talked about their children there. They just learned the experience of taking children from them, especially Ning Mengyao.

"She doesn't have children?" Listen to Xiao Qitian ask so many questions about how to bring children, which makes Ning Mengyao can't help being curious.

"Well, she doesn't like the child." Xiao Qitian nodded and passed lonely on his face.


"You all know what's going on." Xiao Qitian laughed and told them some things.

Ningmengyao and they didn't know that muxue even did such a thing.

I don't know that the reason why they do that is because of the snow.

"She's getting worse." Thinking of the crying woman they saw when they came in, Ning Mengyao could not help frowning.

When did muxue become so crying.

"We have nothing to do with Xiaoyao's business." Yu Feng saw that Ning Mengyao was worried about bathing in snow. She frowned slightly and said very displeased.

"I know her brother-in-law. How could her affairs have anything to do with me?" Ning Mengyao murmured in a low voice, which was a little trance and helpless.

Xiao Qitian listened to the conversation and smiled bitterly. It seemed that they had no chance to make up with Mu Xue.

"By the way, how can you come here?" Xiao Qitian suddenly thought of this question and asked.

Not only came, but also came in with Xiao Qifeng. It's too weird, which makes him think it's incredible.

"We heard from Muchen that you were seriously injured, so we asked grandpa Hei to come and treat you. Tianchang didn't trust you. We must come and have a look." Ning Mengyao said that it was true and false.

Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao doubtfully. Is it true? Why doesn't he feel like it?

"So it is."

When the three chatted happily, Mu Xue came in from the outside, sat directly beside Xiao Qitian and swore her ownership.

That way, let ningmengyao's eyebrows wrinkle up, Xiao Qitian's face is not very good-looking either.

"Qi Tian, why are you not willing to talk to them?" Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qitian's discontented opening and asks.

Xiao Qitian suddenly felt some pain in his forehead.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. There are many things to understand." Xiao Qitian explains this.

"But it can't be that long. I'm worried about you." Mu Xue looked at Xiao Qitian's grievance and said, as if he had done something sorry to her.

Although there was no expression on Xiao Qitian's face, Ning Mengyao could see it clearly. He was impatient when he put it clearly.

"Qitian, your son is asleep. Put him on the bed." Said Ning Mengyao.


"By Mengyao, why didn't you bring Shanger here this time?" Xiao Qitian asked as he put the child on the bed, ignoring that there was still a snow shower on the side.

Hearing the name of Mengyao, muxue felt like a stone thrown into the calm lake, rippling with many ripples.

Muxue looks at ningmengyao and looks at ningmengyao up and down. No wonder she hates this person so much. It turns out that this is ningmengyao that they are not willing to tell her whether it's xiaoqitian or Muchen.

"So you are Ning Mengyao. It's not good." People are just average. What's good.

"Of course, I can't compare with Princess Qi." Ningmengyao hook lip a smile, not soft not hard top back.