Mu Xue's face sank. How could she not hear the irony in her words.

"Ning Mengyao is brave. You are just a general's wife. You dare to disrespect my princess. Someone will open her mouth." Bathed in the snow fury of the opening.

Between her and Xiao Qitian, the reason why she came to this step is that ningmengyao.

If it wasn't for this woman, how could they often quarrel with each other?

"I'll see who dares." Xiao Qitian took a look at the eunuchs of the servant girls and said softly.

Although the words are not too severe, they are also full of weight. No one dares not to listen.

"Qitian, you even helped this woman." I was angry in the snow.

Xiao Qitian said that he was beating her in the face. She was his wife. Why did he do this to him.

Yu Feng's hands encircled his chest and looked at Mu Xue's teeth and claws. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Open your mouth? It's true that you should hold your mouth. " Say, raised a hand two slaps hit on Mu Snow's face.

These two slaps of his hand have no meaning of pitying the fragrance and cherishing the jade. Judging from the red and swollen cheek of the moment when bathing in snow, we can know how much strength he has used in the end.

"Brother in law, I'm fine. I won't lose a piece of meat if I'm told two words." Ningmengyao is helpless to see Yufeng. This brother-in-law is good at everything, but he is too short.

Yu Feng squints at Mu Xue, who is completely stunned and unresponsive. Hearing Ning Mengyao's words, he turns to see the past.

"Xiaoyao, it's not a matter of losing a piece of meat. It's a matter of principle. An ungrateful white eyed wolf should really teach a lesson. I knew she would be like this today, and I wouldn't let you do those things at the beginning." Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao and says coldly.

Some people will remember a lifetime of kindness, some people will be ungrateful.

Muchen and muxue are two extremes. Muchen keeps in mind everything Xiaoyao has done for her brother and sister.

Can we bathe in snow? Although she didn't know a lot of things, it couldn't erase the things Xiaoyao had done for them.

White eyed wolf, this sentence is very familiar. It seems that Muchen and two uncles have told her.

Ha ha they all think she is a white eyed wolf? Looking at them, the clear color of resentment flashed on muxue's face.

"I'm a white eyed wolf? I forget those things, you dare to say it has nothing to do with you? I am also from tongbaozhai. Why did you wipe out all my things? Those are the things I deserve. " Mu Xue looks at the two people and says angrily.

Sitting on the bed, Xiao Qitian heard Mu Xue say such words unexpectedly. He was very upset. Why did he become like this? It seems that everything has changed, and he has become a little vague.

Yufeng is laughed by the words like muxue. He can't stand up when he looks at muxue.

"Yours? Muxue, you really take yourself seriously. Compared with what Xiaoyao did for you, you can't even compare with a nail cap, because Xiaoyao can live a life of high quality. Now you come here to shout. " What Yufeng hates most is people like muxue. They have no skills, but they really regard themselves as one thing.

"Brother in law doesn't have to say that much." People have forgotten that no matter how much they say, she will feel that they are sorry for her, not her problem.

Yu Feng takes a look at Ning Mengyao and turns his white eyes.

"It's up to you."

The conversation between the two people was like nobody else, which stimulated Mu Xue. Just when she wanted to start with Ning Mengyao, her wrist was grabbed.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Xiao Qitian looked at the snow and said in a cold voice.

Mu Xue turns her head and looks at Xiao Qitian, who is holding her, talking to her in a cold voice. She is a little annoyed.

"You let me go."

"What is it about bathing in snow that you can't tell right from wrong?" Xiao Qitian murmured, like asking Mu Xue, like asking himself.

"What is good or bad? It's you. It's all you. If you didn't protect this woman, would it be like this between us? "