Xiao Qitian looks at Mu Xue. Does she think so?

"If it wasn't for Mengyao, we wouldn't get married. If it wasn't for Mengyao to help you, you can't get back what belongs to you from your father. If it wasn't for Mengyao..." Xiao Qitian said a lot about the things he knew.

"You're all saying good things to this woman. I don't believe you." Mu Xue covers her ears and shakes her head. She doesn't believe them at all.

Yes, what they said is false, and they cheat themselves. The purpose is to let them give up what they are going to get.

Looking at Mu Xue's self deception, Xiao Qitian can't help rubbing his brow and heart, looking tired.

"Bathe in snow You go out first. I think you should calm down and think about what you did wrong. " Xiao Qitian looked at Mu Xue and said softly.

But the gentle voice has lost its past favor and become estranged.

Mu Xue turns around and looks at Xiao Qitian. Seeing that he looks at himself with a light expression, she doesn't think there's anything wrong with what she said.

"You're driving me away again?"

"I don't want you to continue to make trouble here. If you think about what I said with Muchen, Muchen is the kind of person who can't tell lies. I say it all for your own good. If you want to listen, you can listen. If you don't want to listen, it's OK. No matter what, I hope you feel your conscience and think about what we do to you." Xiao Qitian looked at Mu Xue's light mouth and said, his voice was calm and indifferent.

Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qitian stupidly. If Xiao Qitian yells at her, she will not feel anything. But now, Xiao Qitian doesn't yell at him. Instead, it's the kind of gentleness that she is familiar with. But in the former gentleness, there is no such alienation.

"Go out." When Mu Xue wants to speak, Xiao Qitian interrupts Mu Xue first.

Mu Xue doesn't want to go out. When passing by Ning Mengyao, she deliberately bumps into Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao staggers back a few steps, or Yufeng reaches for her hand to avoid her falling.

"It's so cheap to slap her twice." Yu Feng said in a cold voice, when has that kind-hearted person become so kind-hearted.

Among them, Xiao Qitian is the most affected.

Seeing that Mu Xue deliberately bumped into Ning Mengyao, who was already very big, his face was a little pale.

Ningmengyao has been pregnant for six months, and her stomach looks like it has been seven or eight months. It's very big and scary. If she hadn't been helped by the wind to avoid her falling, I'm afraid there would have been another incident.

"Mengyao is sorry." Xiao Qitian knows that there is no such thing as saying sorry, but that's what his princess did. He has to apologize for it.

"I'm fine. It's not your fault." Ning Mengyao shakes her head and says, but her heart is cold. Mu Xue, this lesson must be given to him. The provincial people really think that they can't do anything with her.

Xiao Qitian smiled. The smile on her face was weak. It was all her fault. She came to comfort herself. It was really her style.

"Xiao Qitian, I think there are some things I have to tell you clearly. If that woman doesn't give her a lesson, she will not be obedient." Yu Feng's idea coincides with Ning Mengyao's. both of them mean to teach her a profound lesson, and save others to harm them.

Xiao Qitian nodded helplessly.

"I know you can do whatever you want, and I think she should learn some lessons. It's not good to save learning." Xiao Qitian said wearily with his eyes closed.

He has been chatting with them since he woke up, and has experienced the experience of bathing in snow. He feels very tired, and all the tiredness comes up in a moment.

"Take a rest first. We won't leave for a while. There are opportunities to talk about."

"Well, I'll have a rest." His eyes were closed during the conversation, and soon a steady breath came, indicating that the master was asleep.