At the same time, they turn around to leave. When Mu Xue sees this scene, she is in a panic. She goes to the front of the two to stop them.

"Joe Tianchang, if you want to leave, you can leave on your own. Don't instigate our relationship. Get out of here." Said to pull Xiao Qitian's hand, but Xiao Qitian to avoid.

"Mu Xue, face the reality. After this incident, we are impossible. I don't want to keep a wife who has a murderous heart to me." He didn't want to poison his wife any more.

It's true that he loves her, but he didn't say that he would not want his own life for her, which is what stupid people would do.

"Qitian, you won't do that to me. Did these people make you say that? Are they? " Mu Xue keeps shaking her head. She doesn't believe Xiao Qitian at all. He won't do this to her.

Looking at Mu Xue, who is still unwilling to accept the reality, Xiao Qitian smiles. When Mu Xue thinks there is a turning point, Xiao Qitian has left her sight step by step.

The smile on Mu Xue's face stiffened for a moment.

Does he really want her? So he left without hesitation.

Looking at Xiao Qitian's back, Mu Xue's eyes flashed a hint of hate.

Thinking of what the man said, it was exactly the same as what he said. As long as he stayed by their side, Xiao Qitian would be brought bad by them.

Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qitian with a sneer. Do they think they can leave after entering here?

"Xiao Qitian, do you think you can leave? Catch them and don't hurt Qi Tian. What can you do with the other one? After all, he's Ning Mengyao's father-in-law and knows more. " Muxue looked at the front and shouted.

Xiao Qitian and her two left and stopped. He turned to look at Mu Xue.

"Qitian, you regret that you are still in a hurry. As long as you come back to me, I don't care what you do to me?" Mu Xue looks forward to seeing Xiao Qitian. The expression on her face is so disgusting.

Qiao Tianchang put out his hand to cover his face. He was speechless to Mu Xue. How could he say such a thing if he had no face?

"We'll see." Xiao Qitian's face didn't change at all, just looking at Mu Xue like this.

Mu Xue sneers, takes out a signal bomb in her hand, bangs, the signal bomb explodes in the air.

It's just a matter of a few moments. People in black are already around. One of them looks at Qiao Tianchang.

"We met again."

"Xiao Luoyan? I didn't expect you to work with her. " Xiao Qitian looked at it with a smile. The smile on Xiao Luoyan's face was so ironic.

Xiao Luoyan hates people to look at him with such eyes, as if they can't see what he has done.


Mu Xue's face changed. Looking at Xiao Luoyan, her eyes were full of eager colors.

"You can't move Qi Tian."

"Get out of the way, my young master. When is your turn to interrupt?" Looking at Mu Xue's appearance, Xiao Luoyan's face is full of disgust.

Even my husband can give medicine. How can he be cruel?

Mu Xue is pushed by Xiao Luoyan. He staggers back a few steps, stumbles to the threshold, and then falls to the ground.

"You You didn't say that. " Mu Xue doesn't believe that this person would say such a thing. At the beginning, it was clearly not so.

Xiao Luoyan laughed, full of satire.

"Do you believe what I said? No wonder it's so stupid. You don't really think that medicine can make Xiao Qitian come back to you, do you? " Xiao Luo Yan looked at Mu Xue and asked with a smile.

"Don't you Isn't it? " Muxue has a bad feeling in her heart.

"Of course not. It can kill him, and as long as there is a kind of poison, there is no solution to it." Xiao Luoyan looked at Mu Xue and said cruelly.

Mu Xue can't believe her eyes widened. What they said is true? Is the medicine that oneself gives Xiao Qitian to take really poison?

"No, it can't be." Bathe snow some absentminded of say, the spirit breaks down gradually.

Xiao Luoyan looks at Mu Xue ironically, stupid.