Looking at Mu Xue's appearance like being split by thunder, Xiao Luoyan sneered.

"How does it feel for mu Xue to kill her beloved by herself?" Xiao Luoyan laughs. Obviously, he doesn't take Qiao Tianchang and Qiao Tianchang seriously. Maybe he doesn't worry that they can run away at this time.

Mu Xue looks at Xiao Luoyan with a pale face, then looks at Xiao Qitian, but he doesn't even give him a look. He just looks at Xiao Luoyan indifferently. It looks like It's like she's just a nobody.

"Xiao Luoyan, I killed you." It's because of this person that she will become what she is. Before that, maybe he and Xiao Qitian can have a little bit of life, but after that, the little bit of life is gone.

What did she do? No wonder, no wonder he wants to alienate her like this.

Muxue urges her internal power to attack Xiao Luoyan with all her strength.

However, in front of Xiao Luoyan, there is no doubt that her martial arts are ants shaking trees.

Xiao Luoyan waved casually, and muxue flew out, bumped into the wall on one side and spat out blood.

"The annoying guy has been solved. Now it's our turn. Joe Tianchang if you can tell me the location of tongbaozhai. How about I let you go? " Xiao Luoyan looks at the two people in front of her in a good mood, smiling.

"You didn't wake up?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Luoyan with the same attitude, but the irony and disdain are more obvious.

"You It's good to be hard spoken when you're dying. " Said Xiao Luoyan with a gnash of teeth.

"Ah, I wonder who is dying." The joking words started after Joe Tianchang and them.

Xiao Luoyan looked over and saw Yufeng coming in from outside. It seemed that he was not surprised that he would be here.

Muxue opens her eyes and looks at Xiao Luoyan's twisted face with a happy smile.

Reach out to support his body to sit up, looking at Xiao Qitian, eyes with obvious greed.

"You already know that?" Xiao Luoyan looked at them and asked.

If they didn't know this, they wouldn't have happened to be here.

Only one problem can be explained, that is, they have already calculated it.

"Congratulations, that's right, but there's no prize." Yufeng's beautiful face, with a enchanting smile.

Xiao Luoyan estimates his current state in his heart, but the final result is not very good.

The martial arts of the people here are very good. He can only hold on to one at most. The rest He really doesn't have that confidence.

Qiao Tianchang looks at everything in front of him. He is very interested in Xiao Luoyan's expression.

"We've been looking for you, but it's a pity that we haven't heard from you all the time. Now you send it to us, how can we not accept it?" Qiao Tianchang's hands encircled his chest, and the smile on his face was just that smile, which made Xiao Luoyan want to slap him.

From a long time ago, they were looking for the trace of Xiao Luoyan, but this man was just like a loach, just a little trace, it disappeared.

It's even better than a rabbit. So when Xiao Qitian said that someone was looking for mu Xue, they thought of Xiao Luoyan. They were just going to try to see if he was the one, but they didn't expect that he really picked out the person.

"This is Prince Qi's mansion. Xiao Luoyan, you don't think my mansion allows you to go around like this?"

Xiao Luoyan's face changed. Yes, he has been here many times, but he did not meet any dark guards or guards.

Originally thought it was made by muxue, but now it doesn't seem to be at all. It's a trap designed by Xiao Qitian.

Xiao Luoyan turns to look at Mu Xue.

"You reckon with me, bitch?"

"Ha ha, Xiao Luoyan, do you really think I'm so stupid? When my brother came to me, I knew what he said was true. I really did unforgivable stupid things, but I didn't want to let it go. "