Her life is ruined by her stupidity, and he is the executioner, so she will let this person pay the price.

Hearing Mu Xue's words, Xiao Luoyan's face changed a lot. He watched Mu Xue, who was shaking and standing up, turn cold. He flew up and attacked Mu Xue with one hand. At this time, Xiao Qitian made a move at the same time.

But Xiao Luoyan, who started to work with Mu Xue, suddenly turned back and waved to Xiao Qitian with all his strength.

Mu Xue looks at Xiao Qitian's slightly changed face, bears the pain, jumps up, and stops in front of Xiao Qitian when everyone has no time to react.

"Poof." Bathed snow a blood spurt out, originally pale facial expression, this moment becomes very white.

Xiao Qitian looks at Mu Xue in front of him. Qiao Tianchang and others are at the same time.

"Why?" Xiao Qitian hugs Mu Xue to suppress the sour in his heart and asks hoarsely.

Mu Xue raised a sad smile on her face, covered with blood, and gently stroked Xiao Qitian's cheek.

"I'm sorry, you're all right. I used to live in my own world. Because I lost those memories, when I heard others say it, it produced There was hate, but now Now I find out I most... Sorry people It is... It's her. " Mu Xue began to talk intermittently, as if it would disappear at any time.


"Isn't Qi Tian funny? I thought of all the things just now. She Treat me so well, but But I will repay her, scold her, push her, ha ha, maybe This is It's my retribution. " Mu Xue looks at the blood in Xiao Qitian's mouth. It flows more and more.

"I'll take you to Grandpa black." Xiao Qitian shaking hands, holding muxue to leave.

Mu Xue holds Xiao Qitian's hand tightly and shakes her head gently.

"Qi Tian No... No, I I want to ask you one thing. " The sound of bathing in snow began to change rapidly.

"When you get up, I promise you everything you say." Xiao Qitian looked at Mu Xue and said in a low voice.

Mu Xue shakes her head gently, she also hopes, but why does she wake up so late? After the irretrievable consequences, I knew that I was really wrong.

"Can't wait, Qi Tian Forget me and And don't Don't tell the child that he There is such Such a mother. " Mu Xue's voice became weak. If it wasn't for Xiao Qitian who had been listening to her all the time, maybe she couldn't understand what she was talking about.

Xiao Qitian looked down at the man in his arms. His clothes were covered with blood. There was no blood on his face. His red lips were very sad.

"Don't talk nonsense, you'll be fine." Xiao Qitian didn't want to hear her say this. He reached out to pick up the man and stood up to walk outside.

"Qi Tian Promise me. "

Xiao Qitian didn't answer her words, just holding people using internal power to fly outside.

Mu Xue leaned against Xiao Qitian's arms and looked at his cold face. Although he tried his best to suppress the emotion in his heart, he could see from his eyes that he was worried and afraid.

A smile on the face, random eyes slowly closed, so good, can see his such expression in the best, it is enough.

Xiao Qitian holds Mu Xue's hand and hardens for a moment. He dare not look down, afraid to see the result that makes him collapse.

Go back to the palace as soon as possible. Xiao Qitian finds old black man and asks him to help Mu Xue.

Black old man didn't want to, just look at Xiao Qitian like that, this just grudgingly to Mu Xue pulse.

The black old man looked at the breathless muxue in silence, and then looked at Xiao Qitian's anxious appearance.

"Qi Tian, Mu Xue has..." Later, old black man can't speak.

He almost watched the child grow up, but now he watched her lose her life. It's really a bad taste.

Xiao Qitian's hand, which was placed in the air, became extremely stiff.

"Grandpa black, you're kidding me, aren't you?" Xiao Qitian was unable to accept the result. He looked at the black old man and asked.

"Qi Tian, you know I'm not joking, old man."