The only thought in Xiao Qi's heart was completely destroyed at this moment.

"No, Xueer won't die. How can she give up?" Xiao Qitian said, shaking his head and disbelieving.

Is it because of his attitude to her, so she was angry, will it be like this to him?

Yes, it must be. It must be because what he did before made her angry.

Ning Mengyao frowns at Xiao Qitian's appearance. Although she doesn't know what happened, Xiao Qitian's appearance makes her feel very unhappy. She really wants to throw people out.

But she also experienced the pain of losing her lover. When she saw Qiao Tianchang lying in bed without a sound, she was also the same as Xiao Qitian, who was unwilling to believe and did not believe the person who accompanied her, so she lost.

Go to Xiao Qitian's side and put your hand on Xiao Qitian's shoulder.

"Qi Tian accepts the reality that you still have children to take care of. He has lost his mother. What do you do with the child like this? What about your brother? Maybe you think my words are cruel. I still say it when she died. But Qi Tian, people need to look forward. I understand the pain of losing relatives. I can understand your feelings now. But you are not only her husband, but also the father of your child. Your child is not full moon. "

"I am the damned person of Mengyao. Why does she block in front of me?" Xiao Qitian seemed to listen to Ning Mengyao's words, he said with a choking voice.

At that moment, he thought that he might die, but he didn't think that Mu Xue would stop in front of him. He lived well, but mu Xue died.

Tianchang used to protect him. Now it's muxue. He's really useless.

Ning Mengyao was shocked, but he didn't expect that this would happen.

"Maybe she's really serious about her mistake. If it's me, I'll make the same choice with her and hope her lover to live a good life." Ning Mengyao murmured

Xiao Qitian held Mu Xue tightly and didn't speak for a long time.

"Mengyao, please take care of the children for me, and She. " Xiao Qi Tiansong holds muxue's hand and looks at Ning Mengyao's pleading look at her.

Although ningmengyao didn't want to do such a thankless thing, she nodded under Xiao Qitian's expression and agreed.

Xiao Qitian looks at Mu Xue lying on the bed, stands up and does not return to leave.

"Will he be all right?" Situ Xuan went to Ning Mengyao's side and frowned with worry.

Is it really OK for him to go out in such a state?

Ningmengyao is also worried, but Xiao Qitian has a fire in his heart. If he doesn't, he will be driven mad.

"He needs to vent."

No matter how we used to bathe in snow, but people are still alive, but now it's not the same. Now we haven't bathed in snow, which is totally unacceptable to Xiao Qitian.

When Xiao Qitian returned to the qiwangfu, it had become a side down situation. Xiao Luoyan was hit by Qiao Tianchang and suffered a lot of injuries.

Regardless of several people's worried sight, Xiao Qitian flashes to Qiao Tianchang's side and goes up to Xiao Luoyan barehanded.

The way he's playing now, for Joe Tianchang and them, is just playing around.

"Qi Tian is calm."

Xiao Qitian seems to have not heard it. Before Qiao Tianchang, he looks at Xiao Luoyan. His eyes are full of hatred and murderous.

Xiao Luoyan is shocked by Xiao Qitian's eyes. This man wants to kill him.

Although his strength is much stronger than Xiao Qitian, but now Xiao Qitian just relies on instinct to do it, and there is no trace to find.

In the Dodge room, Xiao Luoyan was punched in the shoulder by Xiao Qitian. The grinning appearance made Xiao Qitian's movement more rapid.

Xiao Luoyan makes a low mantra, which is just a madman.

Xiao Luoyan saw that his people were gone, and that he would stay like them. He had plans to escape immediately.

Qiao Tianchang is on the edge. Naturally, he is the first to realize that Xiao Luoyan wants to escape. Before he starts, he is in the only way back.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"