Although there was no extra expression on Xiao Luoyan's face, he was afraid that he would die here just like those people.

Xiao Qitian looks at Xiao Luoyan, who is a few meters away from him, and goes over step by step. Xiao Luoyan looks at Xiao Qitian, who is walking towards him, and even subconsciously steps back.

In this step, Xiao Luoyan's face is very ugly. When did he lose his face? Now I'm scared to step back. It's going to spread. Does his face need any more.

The only thing Xiao Luoyan wants to do now is to escape from this place. Only when he does, can he survive.

Thinking of this, Xiao Luoyan suddenly burst out and started towards Xiao Qitian. Xiao Qitian didn't even mean to dodge, which made Qiao Tianchang very angry and hurriedly stopped Xiao Luoyan's attack.

While Qiao Tianchang and Xiao Luoyan were facing each other, Xiao Qitian turned his wrist and held a long sword in his hand. In Xiao Luoyan's astonished eyes, he stabbed him in the chest.

Xiao Luoyan hums, watching Xiao Qitian draw his sword out.

"Is Xiao Luoyan in pain? The pain is right, but don't worry, I won't kill you like this. " Even if he wants to kill, he will make Xiao Luoyan's life worse than death.

Xiao Luoyan dodges Qiao Tianchang's attack and puts out his hand to cover his chest.

"Xiao Qitian, if you don't have them, you think you can hurt me?" Xiao Luoyan snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

"It doesn't work for me." Xiao Qitian is not a fool either, he said directly.

Being aware of his plan, Xiao Luoyan did not feel embarrassed at all, but looked at him instead.

"If you can kill me, it's not certain that your son will live well after killing me." Xiao Luoyan suddenly laughed, and the casual look made Xiao Qitian look at him coldly.

Catch his son? How can I really think of myself?

"Catch my son? You should try it. " Now the child is Xiao Qitian's inverse scale. No matter who he is, he can't touch it.

Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Xiao Qitian, and his eyes flash past helpless.

"The child is OK, don't worry."

"Of course I know." After the incident happened, there were not less than 20 guards around his son, and his martial arts were comparable to his. Not only that, but also ningmengyao's people. He didn't believe that under such circumstances, this man could take his son away.

Xiao Luoyan knew that Xiao Qitian cared about his son, but he didn't think that he didn't care.

No, it can't be said that he doesn't care. It can only be said that he believes that the child won't be captured by their people.

And it's true that they didn't find a chance.

"Enough nonsense. Let's fight against the wind." Qiao Tianchang doesn't want to go on pestering with this man. He will deal with the matter as soon as possible, and go back as soon as possible. I'm afraid Xiao Qitian is about to collapse.

When several people make moves at the same time, Xiao Luoyan has no power to parry at all.

When Xiao Luoyan thought that he was going to plant here today, a loud noise rang in the room, and then filled with white fog.

"Smoke bombs." Qiao Tianchang frowns, and the duck flies away like this, which makes him very uncomfortable.

After the disgust disappeared, there was no Xiao Luoyan. He was saved.

Xiao Qitian pressed his lips tightly and looked at the place where Xiao Luoyan was just now.

"Qi Tian, if you want to vent, find a place to vent. Don't hold it in your heart." Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qitian's helpless opening.

He really didn't know how to comfort Xiao Qitian. His loveless appearance made Qiao Tianchang feel a headache.

Xiao Qitian takes a deep breath and looks at Qiao Tianchang pulling at the corners of his mouth, showing a smile worse than crying.

"Don't laugh if you don't want to. It's ugly. Let's go. Let's go back." Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qitian that way and laughs.

"Well, Tianchang, I will not let him go. I will never die."